Workouts and Training

I don’t workout for the joy of sex. I have other motiviations.

What is your motivation for working out? Is it all about healthy body and mind for you? Where is your reward?

Don’t be silly.

You make it impossible to be more than silly.

So what?

I went walking today out with my mother at a local park. No protesters or rioters and we walked at least a mile at a good pace. We both wore masks. I got a very good workout just by keeping upright and my core braced. I had to develop a much more lithe and sleek step to avoid the occasional slide and stumble do the repeated and increased movement inefficiencies. I focused on minimally breathing and only through my nose with the mask. Good technique perfected. How could I get any sufficient exercise just by walking with my mother? Easy, walking for me is like being under the plane where others walk, like having a treadmill running requiring more effort and force. It’s almost like flying without any movement but requiring conscious effort and expenditure. It can be made to look effortless but the taxation will show clearly. Also the weight difference is quite ridiculous, not just 3 times the weight but much more greater.

So you can get a good workout with others, but if it is running, jogging, or walking with me you are going to have scale it back or tread more with more traction. Overall better balance and tolerance towards seniors.

I didn’t come across any vulgar or threatening ones…that would have been unsightly.

Walking is going to be the key for me loosing weight and then hopefully back on the treadmill when the gym open up but I don’t have a proper mask so I might just stick with walking and then even run/jog/walk sessions.
My weight like your Reg you mentioned is stuck. So is my shape which I think I can fix a bit with foam rolling.
A lot of stories here about abuse towards animals. I watched a story about how an ill fitted harness that was never removed on a young bear need surgery to remove because the flesh had grown over it despite being malnourished. I’m sure a harness is a good idea for some people without core stability and must make them feel very secure and powerful and make movement effortless, but is a detractor in every aforementioned to me.
Thus I’m not looking to be “fit” in such an aspect or be ridiculed with the “overweight” issue, which is like being fit with too small a harness to accommodate others.
Do you get unwanted forced upon fat?

Needless to say I have come up with a new workout routing using no weight for lower body and kettlebells for upper body.

I actually gained a few hundred grams today. I forgot Reggie’s first rule of weight loss: if you don’t feel hunger throughout the day, you are not losing weight. I haven’t felt hunger for awhile. I will eat nearly nothing today and feel hunger. Results are everything.

Change your first rule: Identify the weight (whatever and whomever it is) and address that issue first.

A fit human body that performs well for somebody else and excels in running speeds, jumping height and distance, coordination, balance and capable of performing a full range of body weight movements and even capable of lifting or pushing 2 or 3 times it’s own supposed mass in iron will do nothing but absolutely fail for me…for a match of equivalent condition and fitness my shape and consistency have to be that of soft mushy fat blob.= that can scarcely pick itself up off the floor or lift ten pounds.

What works well for others fails for me. It fails hard, painfully, and miserably. It makes doing anything impossible.

Edited to add lost sentences. I’m losing sentences.

I don’t think so. That rule has worked for me my whole life. Today I felt hunger all day. I am hungry now. I will wake up and weigh myself and the number will be lower.

If we started training together leaning out, fat loss, cardiovascular endurance would all be goals.

But so would increased muscle mass and strength as well as connective tissue and bone density. You can always adjust that to what suits you best as a martial artist or a runner or whatever.

That might affect your character concept especially about the what is your optimal weight for your personality.

You could be weighing yourself or working out over a lodestone.

Crossfit has always looked extremely excessive and overpowered to me.

It is way too much just to get a minimal workout for a person like me.

JCVD has been doing exercise videos as of late. The majority of these exercises are done without weight and are very low intensity. He does occasionally use some weight but it looks like nothing more than 5 pound dumbbells.

He often pushes against a square column like he is phasing himself out of one like you would see the bust of some statues. His workouts seemed focused on stabilizing muscles and working through injury and lots and lots of pain. Getting rid of pain as limiter of performance seems the focus. It looks effective in every other aspect of training producing strength speed flexibility and tone.

He may look he has been injured or is hiding some pain but if you watch he still has that crazy fast speed and power he might show for a second or two if you are attentive. Once you have achieved superhuman performance and physique, these are probably the best workouts to pay some of that back pain debt off.

Some pain might be necessary for gain, but other pain is just crap. I followed along a few workouts and modified some of my current workout to be done without weights. Pretty good if you have heaps of crappy pain dumped off on you and really don’t like the condition or see it’s advantages.

The videos look very retro like they were originally captured on VHS and JCVD looks orange and the studio is a home that looks like it is on fire outside the room. It does come across if you can make the connection. I’m glad somebody has a workout to pay of pain debt.

Scratching ass* I’m having two chocolate donuts and coffee for breakfast this morning.

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600 cals. You should try to limit the rest of the day to 400 more or less.

I was joking. I didn’t do either of those things this morning.
I can easily resist eating sweets because, contrary to popular belief, I am well aware of what will happen if I do.