Workouts and Training

I was t talking to you, Mark, but whatever.

This is a workout and fitness thread. It is not an eating thread. Keep it back on topic.

All complaints should be redirected to the moderator.

The moderator doesn’t give a shit.

try those 2 donuts and a coffee and that will become easier

To be honest, that has been a good and reliable indicator for myself as well. But you just want to look down and see a number right? Just the number and nothing else matters I suppose.

I remember I did a personal training program just to see the results. I lost about 20 pounds and gained several inches on my waist from my previous measurement. It looked terrible. Forced fit framed to a chart I suppose.
Fat roll=arm.


Let your vertical be your horizontal then.

The first step to achieving a goal is setting it honestly. That means not lying to yourself about what success is. That means not giving yourself wiggle room to explain away failure. I want to be 79 kilos. I have made good progress towards that. I am now about 85. 6 kilos to go. I want to see the number 79 when I look down, and I’m not going to make excuses about why that’s not a good goal.

Hey a lower number in the scale was my first goal until I started coming up much better in form and stronger in my lunges recently.

I’d like to show you sometime how much I can vary my appearance (both looks and shape) as well as my apparent fitness level. You can mistake me for almost anyone.

Can you imagine somebody guessing my weight at 180 pounds and then 360 pounds?

Or height at 1.6 to 1.9 meters

I think your exercise is making you fat. Exercise doesn’t burn fat it burns calories. Those calories should be in your bloodstream and then replaced immediately with those mush veggies you keep posting. Thus you get fatter and softer and softer and fatter while slightly decreasing body mass.
I think that is your obsession with the weight.

Because you are getting softer and fatter and nothing but. Must be the exercise.

How does your body feel to women? Do they get a lot out of free roam touching?

Your lifestyle, your food, your activity, all of it is geared towards a no touching existence correct?

I wonder if they will notice my diaper at the gym.

J/K. I did have somewhat better workout. I’m starting with pulldowns first because I cant do pullups or pulldowns at home. I just do upper body and use as much barbell movements I can to help with form. Flat bench or incline, overhead, curls, I use kettlebells there and and dumbbells, Even a fitness ball for reverse hyper extensions. Strength is increasing but I am always burnt and tired, and I got sick as usual.
I did some elliptical and my cardiovascular endurance is way down, also because I did yardwork with heavy dust breathing. Better results by spanning the primate spectrum better.

I got some real good workouts that work best for me. The gym maybe just once a week. I’ll spit upper/lower body on different days and maybe do a 3 day splitting back and chest bis/tris shoulders. But upper/lower twice each a week and throwing abs in on those days or in between. Stretching in between or abbreviated stretch workouts on the same day and some other training. I got 4 pairs of wide width shoes arriving today and 1 next week. Not running shoes, walking and work.

I have some Sciatic and severe shooting pains on the left leg side. Sometimes when I cough. I can still workout and I’m glad I at least kept the glute and leg attached.

Sciatic, behind the knee, IT band.

I got a whole new leg program without weights dramatically increasing my strength and balance.