Workouts and Training

Let me explain my problem about fat and weight loss. You have to dip into the fat stores to drop weight. Meaning you have to pretty much submerse yourself in a fat mixture of melted wax and oil of Olay and see what floats up. I lost over 50 pounds last year and got down to 15+pounds less than my current weight.
It looked even fatter because all that came up was about half of one side of a rib cage in a mold to cast a wax dummy. It felt like I was moving behind an old style thick foam karate chest protector.

I suppose it is even shaming for somebody to have a bigger penis not just in proportion to smaller hips but overall.
Is that your goal for yourself or towards others?

I did absolutely nothing but lay in bed all day yesterday. I did do some exercise machine and a lot of work with an ab roller. Even though the rest of my body feels weak right now the piriform muscle is super tight and painful and I have pain from my sacral area all the way down the leg. I can feel the connection and heavy pull and tension from lower spine pelvis and buttocks and lower abdominals.

Just letting it pull everything into place. Going to foam roll and do some exercise now.

Weights are extra heavy for me particularly iron weights and even my own bodyweight. One theory I arrived at was from Huxley’s Sliding Filament theory. Tha muscle fibers work by by releasing calcium ions after receiving a nerve impulse. In ATP presence the Ca2+ ions bind with filaments of the muscle (action and myosin).
NOT particularly to make a muscle contration BUT to produce and electrostatic bond…MAGNETIC.

It must be sometimes why I seem to magnetize teeth, or the Iron weight or the iron and calcium in my body are much more difficult to move for me. You might notice it if I lift 20 pounds or heavier and I am using considerable effort most people fo with ease. It may not be that I am particularly weak or weaker looking people are actually stronger. You might notice it with even less weight than that.

I have done lifts before with much greater weigh than I do now that did not cause that much force contration and effort. I’m sure it’s the magnetism.
With the said, I am not doing so much iron lifting right now.

136.4 kilos today. Looking for 130 kiloswith my current plan the a reassessment. Last month I was 147.

Upper arms look brutally stripped and emaciated. I always had trouble in that area and muscles overall because of the collagen of the sheaths like the perimysium and the overall very thick fibrous epimysium sheath around the muscle. They keep the muscle restricted. I need to to force this sheath to expand to better deply the muscle and slide it though, the filaments are locked up. Same with mobility I torse rigidity due to greater tendon sheaths covering my abdominals and attaching things. I don’t want to have to rip these just to get into yoga positions.

It hurts sometimes like I have a basket weave set of ribs across the stomach like you see in some animals.

Having an internaized penis hurts too especially doing abdominals. It takes a lot of core strength to keep thibsgbraced. Go see how it is for alligator’s and how hard it is too keep inside and how difficult it is to finally coax it out for any period of time.

Thins are just not that easy for some people.

Crazy NutJob talk.

I have been hitting under 136Kg bodyweight for several days of the last week. I still look a mess at times. I’m trying to better frame fit myself before doing anything really serious. Don’t get me wrong I love really big weights and would like to return to heavy lifting but just too much is off and missing it is more productive to work at a different angle. MAchines are a good way to force frame the body for a better fit.
Theyhave their drawbacks. Sometimes I use a gym machine with hardly any weight for 20 or 30 reps or I just focus and use that light weight for 10-12 reps getting better and better contractions. I learned I dont have to break a machine to get a good strength workout. I have done entire workouts on achest press machine with 30 pounds slowly recruiting more motor units and fibers. Sometimes at the end of an exhausting workout I will use the entire stack be it 295 or above for the same rep set. Usually it is not much benefit as my body just reverts back to a weaker form designed to handle only 20 pound resistance.

With a machine I just a slight push or pull like smoke is being drawn through my body and limbs, small wisps of current or air and activate the smallest weakest connections and muscle fibers. Then gradually things start to tighten up and more and more are recruited. Just by keeping good form and pushing forward with very high reps it will get to a maximum level of contraction. Then of course all that breaks down with a significant amount of greater resistance. I am trying to work on the breaking point of my body to better form and leverage.

With that said this is what I have been using for home workouts. It isn’t much but hey I can do anyone’s fitness goals with this. Push pull legs all in one movement with just one lever adjust. It has a shock absorber type resistance and it is hard enough with bodyweight. I am overweight for this. I am just using this to be more upright and human in form. Sometimes I look like a hunched over primate or it just looks like somebody threw a goatskin over me.

I can flatten my frame better and elongate my legs. IIt would probably break if I applied all the force to legs or arms only but with both it will work just fine. Not that complex, but it works for a body with simple articulation. A better strenthend upright balance and flatter look is what it is good for for me.
Sometimes I just workout until I see my shadow look like a bull.
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That is stripped down skeletal muscle workout for me. It is suffcicient…for now.

trying to stay fit during this corona chaos, good for you man!

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Yes, what I did not mention is how to work out of a machine. Too many people just up the g-force like they are traveling to outer space to secure themselves a position for fitness gains. I try to create g-force of my own to counteract that and force others out of my space and gains. Bit by bit, my main goal is force, pressure, subtlety, leverage and displacement. Why else would I use equipment like that? Because it is right for my body?

Sloth workout I suppose. Even a sloth can have fitness. Until my obligation is fulfilled, that’s my plan. Don’t think I won’t drop anyone at first chance I get.

I’m up a kilo but it is muscle gain. Stomach looks smaller but feels like way too much internal presure on the abdominal wall. It feels like a knife is stuck in in one small area. I hope I don’t have some weird anatomy. Still going to do abs today.

Pushing back that heart attack.

I had a goal set for 133.0 kilos or less this month. Now I am revising that 135.0. I’m currently 136.1 right now, and less night after midnight i was 138.8-139.0. It looks hopeless but sleep is the key. It is very difficult for me to sleep again, but the best way I drop weight is to breathe with something over my mouth and/or nose like a blanket or sheet.
So much powerful muscle and connective tissue came back with just a few workouts and really extra focus on mind/muscle focus. I found yesterday in the wrost stumbling condition while checking tire pressures it was quite easy to touch the ground with my knuckles while bending at the hips and waist. My arms and shoulders are finally getting to slide and socket into better position. I would go down to maybe 120 kilos but not readily if I start seeing the brutal form I like showing through again.

The plan for me is to drop weight and then gain at least half back before dropping again. So drop 6 kilos, then go back up 3, drop 2 back up 1. I don’t think dropping 30 kilos and then staying at that weight is going to feel or look very good to me.

The rest of this month is just going to be trying to stabilize things for me as far as weight with just a kilo less the goal.

Hurry back. We will mis…hurry back.

I’m thinking on buying the training mask. As I do need to order a mask. Wearing it to sleep would accelerate my weight loss and fitness. As long as I don’t have a constant vomit issue.

Talk to Will. He may have some Dramamine left that may prevent you from hurling from the nausea if your breath is an issue.

Your bodies make me really, really sad. I feel like donating some fat rolls to everyone here just so you can have arms. Healthy arms. The kind that you won’t have to drop off if you take care and actually use them.

Where do all the benefits of exercise seem to go?