Voting for me

I know the term “euthanize” only in combination with Dr. Mengele and Bill Gates, so I cannot make much of it. I think history has shown that no “euthanizing” is needed for well working separation without any casualties.

  • Druze in Syria and mid-east
  • Christian groups in mid-eval Spain under Moorish rule (~1000 AD)
  • Mennonites under heavy persecution in central Europe 500 years ago
  • Mennonites under heavy persecution in the Nazi Empire (Bruderhof)

How about "selective thinning of the herd?

Are You trying to out-Nazi me? Nice try.
There’s the communist left finally showing its real face…

I wouldnt count on that. The Hispanic vote (possibly deliberately not shown in the graphics) was eye-opening to me. I am surprised to see that many Latino voters for Trump. On the other side - they know where communism and big gov. leads to namely Venezuela, Cuba, …

This map is discriminating against men of color. Just FYI. Group is a total miss

If that map is accurate, it’s incredibly sad. I thought college educated whites were heavily for Biden. This shows all whites were for Trump regardless of their education level.


7 years on bbad and Reg hasn’t even heart of “unite the white”. :wink:
What am I doing here.

There You go, You get a heart sticker and a bee for learning success and dilligence in Your bbad-folder:
[ :heart_decoration: ]
[ :honeybee: ]

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Equating nazis and communists?

You shut up! According to Reg, You’re in suspicion of being non-white! Imposter!

Or at best, MyBigMoon, You are abnormal, a weirdo, crank, oddball, an ourcast to the white community, endangering our group survival. Sorry, no room for You in our utopia when the balloon goes up. Guards like me are always on guard when it comes to group violation. Sorry, You will have to be cast out to San Fagscrisgo or into an “urbanized” area of DC “da hood” where You will have to fight for welfare-stamps with uhhhm, “urban youth” and “Biden voters” :wink:

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Fuck you goat fucker I will NEVER shut up. .Especially for a dumbass like you.

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Don’t be deceived, he is a capricorn which is not a goat, but a sea goat. That’s why he sags his pants and his body looks the way it does.

It’s not quite a proper fit for a pisces.

abc news just cut away from live remarks from the president of the united states to note that there was no proof to any of the serial allegations he was making
and then went to a commercial for planters peanuts
revivify jimmy carter


Jimmy Carter might he the best post president of all time.


You mean you don’t expect Trump to take on the classy elder statesman role?

hidden secret powerful special interests ate my homework

Now you speak the truth of how your think.

even a broken clock is right twice a day
only a fool looks at you twice for the time

You remind me of a broken record.