Voting for me

This conversation sounds like a twice broken record.

carter was a failure at president
as a human being, he is finest kind
we say that in maine
nobody has to me, yet
maybe it’s like the mason’s handshake
don’t know

Trump would hardly be the first losing candidate to question the election results, said Scott Ferris, the author of “Almost President: The Men Who Lost the Race but Changed the Nation.”

“Richard Nixon, for example, was sure he’d been cheated in 1968 against John Kennedy because of shenanigans in Texas and Illinois,”

kennedy back from the dead
this internet thingie is simply marvelous

Eventually, I’d like to see how whites, especially white males under 50 voted. I think we are still becoming more blue but it is a slow pace.

100,000 war dead= suckers and losers
100,000 biden votes=cheaters and democrats
100,000 us dollars to porn stars=legal payments


latest trump tweet
" i have nothing to offer you but my blood sweat and tears and a plan to sue the virus thingie in the supreme court.

I hope he does sue the virus.

He has about the same chance with that as he has suing the states for voter fraud.

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it takes 277 hours to count a million things at one minute per thing
it takes 10 people around a day if they spend all day on coffee
can’t have that let’s get three shifts: 30 people
lets spend 5 minutes, not one: 150 people
let’s get the people of nevada to spend less money on signs welcoming me to las vegas and maybe spring for more people that can go from one to two without losing momentum

1 min * 60 * 277 = 16,620, not a million. Just saying.

just sayin

1000000 things
1000000 seconds at one per second
16,666 at one per minute
that many minutes is 277 hours
of all the things i’ve lost i miss my mind the most

All countries should ban paper voting.

You have to go to an office to register to vote. You have four years. If you don’t go, you can’t vote.

At that office, you show ID and give your email and cell phone. If you don’t have an email or cell phone, you can’t vote. The nice person will register you and give you temporary login credentials.

Now you can sign in to the online system at and choose a permanent password. A code is sent to your email and/or phone. You have to enter in the code to choose the password. If you don’t sign in to the online system, you can’t vote.

Now when election day comes, you will have one month to go to and sign in and vote. If election day is Nov 3, the polls at will open on Oct 3.

When you vote, you have to enter a captcha which everyone (including me) finds irritating. After you pick your choice, a code is sent to your email and/or phone. You have to enter in the code for your vote to register. If it successfully registers, you get an email/text telling that you voted, so if you get hacked, you will be notified if your vote is fraudulently cast. You can also look up at who you’ve voted for in this and previous elections just for additional peace of mind.

This system allows for instant tabulation of results. It also allows (if the country chooses) preferential ballots where you enter your 1st choice, 2nd choice etc. and runoffs are done with the least popular candidate being struck off the ballot until someone reaches 50% + 1.

This system also allows more referendums. Legalize pot? Assisted suicide? Perhaps the Dutch might vote to re-legalize bestiality. Whatever.

If you change your email or phone, you have to go to the voting office in person, show ID and make the change. To change your password, you don’t have to go in. You can just use the code-sent-to-your-phone process at

We also stop encouraging people to vote. If you don’t care or are too lazy or too stupid to figure this out, don’t vote. If you don’t have a computer or smart phone, you can’t vote. If you don’t have internet, you can’t vote.

This system should be used for all elections, from President to dog catcher. Elections would cost effectively nothing to run.

If anyone wants to allege fraud, they will need to produce people who are willing to testify under oath in court that they didn’t vote for John Smith from IP address at 2:17 pm in Omaha, Nebraska and the code sent to cell phone 555-555-5555 was somehow magically entered by the fraudster. I doubt there will be many such cases of alleged fraud.

and i read a whole chapter once on various preferential schemes to ensure that even people who voted for the loser are honored in the eventual choice

they discussed i think five different ways
each variation had drawbacks and benefits
none got around the fact that somebody loses
some arranged for a gold star of achievement for the loser
i like the electoral college where regional influence factors in
plus i get slaves from red states for four years
i will be kind to them
at first

I’ve been doing the math. Now you just hear me out. If Biden has 2.7 something million votes and Trump has 2,644,528 votes. Are you still following me? If the machine malfunctioned and 6000 votes in for Trump in one county were switched and given to Biden and 47 other counties were using the same software, how many votes would logically have to be reversed and given back to Trump? Still following? If we reverse 6000 from each of those counties, Trump won and guess what that makes you.

I know…it all depends on population/ratio something or other nothing to me scenario.

they sabotaged the machine with one of those sharpies?
geez those things are handy, i should get some lol

Will says they sell them at DisneyWorld in Florida when you visit.

hmm i guess if you manage to jump over the fence it should be pretty quiet there now, no long queues!

nevermind, its probably higher and better protected than the us-mexican border…

He’s losing dear.