Isn’t it sickening that we have to resort to transplants when disease in the body can be eradicated with healthy food. Unfortunately, nothing is healthy anymore. Even fruit is tainted.
I am happy that the transplant recipient has lived to see another day. What they don’t share here is his uphill battle once released.
Okay, let me get this straight in my brain. You wouldn’t eat pork because you don’t want to put pork in your body but in order to stay alive you would put pork in your body?
When you think we are never going to get to the truth another statement is made. Unfortunately, this time it’s from Russia so it will probably be dismissed as fake news amid this global coverup.
The demoralizing American media will have to work harder and hire a bigger body of journalists, broadcasting minor news reports as high priority, while CIA and FBI agents cover for Hunter to make it fade from public view.
This whole concept of alternate fuels is idiotic. Screw alternate fuels and screw the people promoting them. The oil industry is one of the most disgusting things we have ever seen in human history, with its cartels, super-rich and super-powerful tiny countries, rich countries like the US kissing the asses of murderers like MBS, small countries being at the mercy of rich countries, and wars killing millions. There is no point in replacing the oil cartels with a hydrogen hydrogen cartel or any other system that will simply replace the current sick system with a new sick system.
Large scale battery tech is making renewable power viable. I didn’t think it could happen so quickly but it has. I used to say that solar didn’t work at night. Well, huge battery installations are storing the power generated during the day for use at night. Same for wind, wave, geothermal, hydroelectric and other renewable power systems. Huge countries like Germany are already over 50% on locally produced renewable power. Smaller countries like Iceland and Costa Rica are effectively at 100% renewable power already. I laughed at Germany for cutting off Nordstream. They were right and I was wrong. They’re going to be in a position where no other country can cripple their power grid, which is a stronger position than any major industrial country has ever been in that area.
What we need is rechargeable battery powered electric cars. Renewable power will be produced locally everywhere and electric cars will last for decades if current indications are correct. No country will be able to cripple another country by boycotting or otherwise choking its oil supply. No small group of countries will wield undue and unnatural power over others. Those companies (and countries) focused on alternate fuels being transported to the point of final use are on the wrong side of history. They should and will die, and I wish them Godspeed with that.
It’s only strange if you’re a RWNJ taking things out of context and telling half the story to make political points dishonestly. Which describes almost all Republicans. Those trash cans are special anti-rat bins that are meant to combat a rat problem that this guy’s district was facing. It is a good effort, costs almost nothing, and may help their problem. Anyone finding that strange is stupid. Or Republican. Same thing, really.
Call me stupid, you jackass. I don’t care what kind of trash can it is. The fact the last New York needs to spend time and waste money to have an unveiling is strange and anyone who thinks it’s not strange is well…stupid.
There was no money wasted. A couple of guys stood around and took a bag off the can and clapped. They’re happy about this effort to control rats. There’s nothing here, Michele.
That is not true, Reg. That’s taxpayer money being used to blow on garbage when they could be using it to actually clean the trash off the street and believe me, there’s plenty of trash to be picked up in NY.
Don’t get me wrong. I know there’s a rat problem. I’m not dismissing their efforts to get control of the problem. But there was no need to drag it out in ceremony.
Michele, did you watch your own video? It was two guys taking a cover off a garbage can and clapping. It lasted perhaps 10 seconds. The video was from someone’s cell phone. There was no ceremony. There was no money spent on a ceremony.
You’re just so blind with hatred of all things Democratic that you have lost any semblance of reason. I don’t begrudge you this hatred. I hate Republicans just as much as you hate Democrats, although I try to be more rational than you’re being today.
She gave a demonstration. Call it whatever you want. Call it nothing. I just don’t care.
You clearly do not know me as well as you think. I don’t hate Democrats, Reg. They suffer from ignorance. It’s leadership in government that I find myself resenting. It’s the time and money they have wasted on garbage bills. We have spent and will spend years paying for all these things with no hope that it will get better or that anything will improve. It’s a viscous cycle that is taxing us to death and all you can do is praise them for their amazing work.