This is a really interesting video. One I have an extremely strong and personal opinion about. I don’t care what you think, either. Solve the drug issue and everything else will fall into place because addiction is a mental issue.

I am here:

This is the wrong attitude. :point_down:t2:

Prison is not the answer. Long-term, faith-based rehabilitation is.

This is the wrong attitude also. First, it trades one addiction for another but continues to confuse the mental issues and with it imprison both mind and body. Also, it isn’t healthy to imprison a drug induced mind to sit and just think apart from an Avenue for mental recovery so you become a slave to what controls you.

I agree with this. The left wing nonsense about defunding the police has been a disaster. That said, right wing cities aren’t doing any better. Ohio and Florida are both solidly Republican now and their cities are hellholes. Totally seriously, I think you and Dan did it right. Move to some quiet place not far from the convenience of a city, and then go to that city as little as possible.

You have never had that leadership. This isn’t a Democrat/Republican thing. Reagan tried. Or at least he pretended to. There were drugs everywhere in the US after his 8 years. Same for the Bushes and Trump. Total failure on all sides of the spectrum.

I’m not dissing the US here. Canada is full of young, pretty white girls on fentanyl. So is Europe and Australia. The only success I’ve seen recently on drugs is from the Taliban. Perhaps there’s a lesson there, but it’s a lesson I’m not sure I want to learn.

Judging from your video, they weren’t serving any good purpose. The one that quit made a good decision. Quit and make room for someone else.

I agree.

It doesn’t bother me to go into the city. I don’t see crime. I would have gone into town today but I couldn’t afford to so I stayed home and semi-watched a game.

They failed because they were compromised. Trump was the best and only real leadership this country has never seen before.

Too brutal for you?


It is terrible what is happening in America.

I couldn’t watch as I’m on a desktop computer, but LA has become a toilet.

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Interesting. I agree with this RWNJ about not giving money to Ukraine or Israel.

I’m sure that’s about the only thing I agree with him on, lol.

Good. That video will make you feel like you drank from your neighbors toilet.

That’s funny, in a stupid way. You were all for giving money to Ukraine last year. What has changed?

The US Supreme Court adopted its first-ever formal code of ethics for its nine justices yesterday after facing criticism over reports of some justices’ ethical practices, such as undisclosed gifts, trips and recusals, seen as a possible conflicts of interest. The high court was previously the only court in the federal judiciary without a formal code of conduct. The justices of the high court said they were issuing the code, which follows existing rules, to dispel any misunderstandings, though it is unclear how the rules would be enforced beyond personal moral conviction.

I don’t remember being pro send money to Ukraine.

I supported their right to defend, laughed at Russia for thinking it would be easy, and have rooted for :ukraine:, but I don’t remember supporting sending money to them.

I don’t support war. Any part of if. That includes money. We can’t afford that.

That’s right. I was confusing your support for the party.

Conspiracy fa….theory.

That’s not a conspiracy theory. That’s been known since I was a kid, and likely long before that.

Sandra Day O’Connor just died.

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Fred Hampton would have been 75 today. He was murdered by the USA or FBI. It might have been the Chicago police, technically. He was a black panther leader. He was shot in the middle of the night with over 100 bullets shot through his apartment.

He was perceived as a threat. I’m curious why, specifically. He never really gets mentioned. Obviously, I would not have liked the black panthers. I’m just not sure if he was violent. If the USA or FBI thinks you are a threat, you are in deep trouble.

You know, given the size of the US military, 183 allegations of extremism isn’t bad.