20 years ago yesterday, the bush administration started the WMD lie for the war.

I won’t click “like” on that but I am happy you reminded us of it. As horrible as Trump was, he did not bring the USA into war.

The question of “who was the worst president of our lifetime?” is entirely down to Republicans. Trump, Bush Jr., Reagan, Nixon…all good candidates. Nobody would rationally suggest Carter, Clinton, Obama or Biden.

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Three years ago, the WHO released a virus to sell a vaccine. What’s your point?

Why not? Is running guns, selling Uranium and taking kickbacks a thing to be admired and respected in an administration?

A clip from Biden’s State of the Union address.

“I enjoy conversion” lol

Now that we know the pandemic emergencies will officially and conveniently end, in May, during Biden’s administration, it only seems fitting Biden should take credit for all of Trumps accomplishments.

No, none of the democrats have been perfect. The Republicans, on the other hand, have been disastrous clowns who turn the USA into a laughing stock when they are in power.

Really? How so?

The NYT Daily podcast did a piece today about San Francisco. It’s one city that isn’t recovering from the pandemic. Other cities did. San Francisco is sitting empty.

Apparently, it’s climate issue which an earlier-than-usual credit should fix.

PS. I couldn’t read your article but I will if you copy and paste it for me lol.

Official statement on the Michigan State Shootings. “Fuck your thoughts and prayers.” Amen.

bit harsh but true enough; you can keep praying for some god to help out or you can actually try to do something useful to make things better

the problem is how to convince people that their current reality called life matters more than the illusional eternal afterlife they think they will get


That is so offensive. This guy reminds me of Damar Hamlin, after he was prayed over. It wasn’t necessary for Hamlin to show his gratitude for or even be grateful that he survived what could have killed him but it also wasn’t necessary for him to publicly mock those who cared enough to pray for him. So it wasn’t necessary for this representative to verbally betray praying gun owners after a mental shooter with a criminal past was allowed to purchase a gun that he carelessly killed people with.
I know how this works. It’s happened too many times in the past to too many people in too many countries and to this day is still happening. We will never lay our guns down because we are not as stupid as we look and we know the government will betray our trust. As soon as we lay our guns down, the government, when we least expect it, will do something offensive to us that will make us wish and pray that we hadn’t surrendered the only thing that truly protects us from them.

What’s harsh about fucking your thoughts and prayers?

So could you but for kicks and giggles, what pray tell do you think we could do to make things better for you and the rest of the plotters of depopulation.

Hey!! I think I’m almost convinced but can you prove that there is no afterlife? Have you been there? Have you ever died and gone to nowhere where nothing exists?

for me telling people not to think would be like telling them to stop living

you could make guns illegal in your country and stop your country from being the biggest weapons seller in the world

thats like turning the table and demanding proof of an invisible pink flying elephant to exist…

for rational people the burden of proof lies always with those that claim something exists

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And you, who rejects gun use…

… supports this view, that those who pray should stop living.

Take it up with Obama and the gun running Democratic Party. I view more Americans as users than sellers.

I can’t help that you believe in nothing but if you want me to believe in nothing, you need to prove nothing exists.

That is a stupid burden and you know I can’t prove faith so the burden falls on those who claim with factual certainty that nothing allegedly exists beyond this life.

i do not reject gun use; if people want to have this weird hobby where they enjoy shooting a gun at a plastic target or pretend to be some killer via some violent video games… go for it and enjoy

nonsense; i do not tell people they cannot pray or how to live or not live their lives
i just tell everyone what i personally believe: that praying is a harmful thing to do (and yes by not doing that it will improve their life and all the lives around them… )

lol just because you falsely believe there is nothing without your god doesnt mean i believe in nothing
i also do not want you to believe in nothing, i want you to believe in yourself :wink:

when something exists, its not stupid or a burden at all to prove that it does exist… nothing is the absence of anything

when your god/jesus/invisible pink flying elephant show up or when there is proof of their existence or something existing beyond this life i will gladly accept all their existences

This surprises me, Nico. You are for private gun ownership?

sure, why wouldnt i be? lol

Well, perhaps because it leads to more violence, which you generally abhor.

ah yes some say watching a violent movie, shooting at a plastic target or playing a violent computer game leads to more violence, others (including me) say it gives people with a weird desire the means to fulfill that desire in a safe way and actually leads to less violence

Some Americans use them for defensive purposes. Others use them to hunt food. Is that okay with you too or just shooting plastic targets?

I didn’t say you did. I said you support the view that those who pray should “stop living”, your words, not mine.

Has someone asked you to do that?

I don’t falsely believe but you may be falsely speaking.

Then we’re making progress because I believe in me much more than I believe in nothing.

But I have proven it to you. I told you, there were 4 who gave testimony and none contradicted the others or themselves but confirmed the truth.

So here we are again back to square one and your confession of faith in nothing beyond this life, but your wait won’t be much longer.

lol no of course thats not ok with me

those are definitely not my words lol

yes, when something is harming people i tell myself to speak up

yes but thats not really proof; people can and will say a lot of things… especially when they are rewarded to do so

my “confession” to believe in things that actually happen has nothing to do with believing in nothing lol

ah excellent… can you share the time and date and place of that invisible pink flying elephant to appear?