Interesting. The alternate theory is that people look for excuses and opportunities to use their toys, so we had better not let them have those toys.

Just following your logic that giving people a safe outlet reduces the undesirable behaviour, do you think giving people access to child porn would lead to less child abuse? Not real child porn as that would require raping children, but say the photo-realistic fake “virtual child porn” that doesn’t involve real humans in its creation. Even that stuff is banned in most places, including the Netherlands.

the theory/my logic is that people with such desires will try to get access to it anyways whether its legal or not, so to minimize that you provide them with a legal/safe option… quite similar to how we deal with drugs and prostitution in the netherlands

so just like that guy that shoots at plastic targets doesnt get to empty an uzi in a school or get access to anything that looks like a real firearm, it would also not help anyone to give pedophiles free access to anything that looks like little kids… instead they can enjoy themselves with legal porn

Huh? What? Your English is usually excellent but that made no sense at all from beginning to end.

The guy shooting at plastic targets is using a real firearm. Obviously he has access to a real firearm or he couldn’t shoot at plastic targets.

Do you or do you not support giving people access to “virtual child porn” in the hope that this will reduce their need to rape children?

Those are your word and I’m not okay with it.

Well speak up then. Who is harming people?

Of course not.

Really? How were the apostles rewarded?

You can determine threatening weather but you can’t determine the signs of His return?

Have you tried reading it from end to beginning.

What is virtual child porn? Is that where children agree to rape in advance?

No, virtual child porn is where photorealistic images and videos that look like children involved in sexual activities are created without ever involving a real child.

Remember this classic?

Where two or more are gathered together in Jesus’ Name, there He is and imo, He has heard us.
This is the first thing I saw when I woke up and went to Telegram.

Fair is fair, if you can accept it.

well yes and no, it depends on your definition of real firearm
someone that shoots at plastic targets can use a firearm that shoots plastic/rubber balls or pellets instead of bullets

of course not, but then again that also depends on your defnition of virtual child porn, some would definitely consider those japanese cartoons to be such

noted lol
but how do those words make you believe that i would be in favour of people to stop living just because they pray?
iam a pacifist and dont wish harm unto anyone no matter what awful things they do
i was basically just trying to say that life without thinking would be meaningless to me

people that pray harm themselves and everyone around them

i dont believe any apostles existed but if they did it would probably be wine, sex and/or coins

uhm no, iam not a weather predictor and since there isnt any proof of any prior visit there cant be a return of any kind either

nope but thanks for introducing me to that… lol

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i accept you saw a picture of a pink elephant :wink:

While the pacifist in you declared it was a “bit harsh”, the warmonger confirmed it a true enough statement, even going so far as to define it’s true meaning. It is okay, though. This is probably not the first time I’ve read comments like that.

I agree and you should do it more often.

lol@warmonger… its not my believes that encourages or advocates aggression or violence towards others… your believes do

So are you for banning it? Isn’t virtual child porn just another form of freedom of speech/expression to you? Nobody was harmed. No child was raped. No child even existed in its creation.

i dont consider virtual child porn a form of speech, it may be an expression but also an action that harms both kids in general and all that watch it
so yes should definitely be illegal

a better example to trick me/make me feel bad about believing in freedom of speech is to ask me if it should be illegal for someone to stand in a public street shouting out to everyone how they will rape children

i would have to say no

It wasn’t a trick. I agree with you that it should be illegal. I also consider your position to be totally inconsistent and illogical but we established we feel that way about each other 25 years ago.

Do you think real guns should be available to people for shooting at plastic targets?

uhm no i think we are both quite logical and consistent in our own ways lol

if with “real guns” you mean firearms with bullets that the police uses then no
then again i also dont think those should be available to the police

How so?


Michele, virtual child porn is created by some graphic designer sitting at his computer. No children are raped. It’s very disgusting and, in my opinion, should be banned, but nobody is harmed in its creation.