
After a strong start, the Ukrainian military can’t seem to keep up anymore. They just lost Luhansk and now the entire Donbass is effectively Putin’s. I would guess he will stop for a bit, regroup, rebuild, and then attack Odessa to close Ukraine entirely off from the sea.

Wrong, again. It’s a special military operation.

Cry me a River. If Putin takes Donetsk, Russia gains access to a land-bridge to Crimea.

Land grab.

Spoils of the sacrifice.

Humans. What a failure. May the next Corona virus finally wipe our species off this world.

you sound more bitter than usual… perhaps you should try and pray? :wink:
reminds me of this song:

About normal, I thought.

Perhaps she did. It may be that you didn’t notice with your big condescending ego blocking view.

Now see, if you could dance like him, you could be president of a country, too.

How can someone become not bitter by the unbelievable ignorance given the pain done to Ukrainians and animals in the Ukraine - and the rest of the world, if we already talk about it. Most humans are worthless egoistic arseholes who just care for themselves and their useless lives. The idiocy and ignorance readable on this board is just another example. I totally understand the Ukrainian woman and her daughter who found shelter in a rich private home here in Regensburg, but getting depressive due to the ignorant „normality“ they are confronted with, which consists of a coward and shortsighted wish to ignore what Putin is doing. I wonder what they were thinking when watching German tv, seeing low-iq entertainment shows and reality soaps. Or listening to those dumb authors of two open letters to Olaf Sholz, which demand that Ukrainians shouldn‘t defend their country and Germany should stop sending weapons. Humans can‘t sink lower. They packed their luggage and left their luxury asylum to go back to Ukraine. No one I know could understand why. Well, I so do.

by realising that there is nothing you can personally do about it

not too long ago ukraine was part of ussr until gaining independence in december 1991
unfortunately they decided themselves not to choose either the west or the east and work towards a better relationship with either europe or russia but instead they chose to try and benefit from both sides and this is the result…

nobody is ignoring what putin is doing; half the world is boycotting russia and many countries are taking care of their refugees

i agree with those people: sending weapons to ukraine is a waste of time and money and even worse: its only prolonging this war and thus causing more casualties… ukraine will never beat russia

not very likely but perhaps lol hmmm wait… oh no… first reg promoting the catholic church and now gunda praying?

aargh religion is spreading in bbad! lol

So wrong. People like you are the reason if Putin really wins. If the West finally would REALLY help the Ukraine - and by doing so, they would help themselves as well from future violent aggressors - this war would be over before this summer ends.

Indeed, possibly with Germany in a radioactive glow.

people like me are not part of this problem… we are all responsible for our own actions; if ukraine had made a choice and worked harder to meet the terms to join either nato or the csto in the last 30 years this wouldnt be happening
you cannot help those that dont want your help

as in all wars, nobody is winning… there are only losers in wars
having said that, this war is helping nato to become stronger and be the “good guys” while russia is the “bad guy” again and the weaponsellers of the world are celebrating

what would be your solution? a mass invasion of nato troops into ukraine and russia? a few nuclear bombs on russia? do you really think this would end this war? or would some countries join russia and they would retaliate and things would escalate?

I think you’re a really smart person who cares a lot about animals, even if your passion is for a bunch of dogs. :grimacing: I’m not judging. Someone has to care for the lazy mutts.

This demonstrates just how out of touch with reality you really are.

Ukraine is not trying to beat Russia. The US is sending weapons to Ukraine so they will simply continue to fight this losing battle, until Rapture, so their nefarious works aren’t exposed.

I don’t know about that. More than likely they are doing what all spiritually discerned people are doing. Perhaps you could try and pra….breath through it.

lol thank you… i giggled out loud when i read that
you think this war will continue on until the end of times/your jesus comes to earth and iam out of touch with reality? hehe

perhaps one day when i meet your invisible pink flying elephant :wink:

I had to post this because I’ve never even seen a land mine, until I saw this.

Nonsense. Putin won’t drop the A bomb as long as the West won’t attack Russia. That cowardice attitude is exactly Putin plays with.

Of course people like you are part of the problem. Scholz and thus Germany still refuses to send heavy tanks and heavy weapons because of such thinking. And btw., the Ukraine would have joined the NATO long ago, if that silly Merkel didn’t say no.

That a Dutch demands from a whole country to give in to an aggressor is remarkable. If your older generations and your country’s allies would have done the same, you would be a German now and we both hardly would enjoy the freedom we do. Of course, those allies didn’t do it because they liked the Dutch so much or to help them. They did it only, because it was in their own interest.

Aside from that, the West and especially Europe, will suffer way more in longterm, if Putin wins.