
this story is getting more ridiculous and fishy every time i read the news…

these short security people dropping their guns on the ground, adjusting their sunglasses and even holding up their hands trying to cover trump while they let him do fistpumps, they have a picture of a bullet coming straight towards the left of trumps face but somehow it supposedly hit the top of his right ear while avoiding the rest of his big head and that caused 2 straight lines of blood on his cheek, they forget to secure a nearby rooftop with a sniper or some drones, they leave a big ladder standing against that building and let a 20 year old dude with a rifle climb it and get on top of that roof, a cop climbed that same ladder and backed off after the kid pointed that rifle at him and now they claim law enforcement was aware of this kid 30 mins before the shooting started…

looking forward to see trump without that bandage to see how much (if any) part of his ear was lost

Who would you have chosen for VP, Michelle? I really wish he picked Elizabeth Warren
Originally from Oklahoma.

I’d vote for trump if he picked her.

I’m surprised Gabbard didn’t get a sniff. Maybe, people don’t like her but harris isn’t likable either.

You would vote for a woman who lied about her race? Poor judgment and wasted vote. No one will support her for such an important role after she exposed herself.
I would have supported Keri Lake or Elon Musk, although they were never considered.

Amber Rose has come out in support for Trump at the RNC and she’s producing pretty good music for his campaign.

lol @ adjusting their sunglasses. You really paid attention to detail. I missed that part and I know I’ve seen clips of the same video several times, I just didn’t notice that smallest detail lol crazy.

I doubt that mattered much to them since they were watching him from a distance anyway.

He actually bought the ladder himself. How he went unnoticed while dragging both ladder and rifle to that building is beyond comprehension.

Coward. He should have rushed the shooter right then.
Another detail I missed in other articles I’ve read.

Geez! You didn’t miss all the important details that really gives me a whole new perspective on the event. Nice job, Nico.
There are alot of questions that will need to be answered in the coming days and weeks. That boy meant to hurt Trump and security detail watched his brutal assault on Trump and refused to actively engage with him until after he fired. I want to know why they didn’t act sooner. I want to know why they allowed him to fire so many shots.

some more weird/interesting observations in this clip:

a pacman setup; a weird gap in security area, location and position of the shooter doesnt make sense; he was in left backcorner behind a slope on top of the roof of a building that was used as a tactical operation centre by local police!, some secret service members supposedly reported bullets were fired from 488 yards (not feet!) which is the same distance as a nearby gymnastics club, eye witnesses reported other shooter on water tower

another day and yup this is getting beyond ridiculously fishy:

the security was increased! because of a possible iranian attack, but not around and on top of the actual building the alleged shooter was on (while inside that building were several police officers and snipers) because local authority didnt have the man power and informed the secret service about that?!

the alleged shooter was a person of interest for 62 mins, they saw him with a rangefinder and a backpack and took a picture of him but then lost him in the crowd and then he was spotted again on the roof by secret service 20 mins before the shooting started and was killed within 26 seconds after he started firing?!

The info is pouring out faster than I can keep up. And what is a pacman setup again? I mean I know what a Pac-Man is and I know what a setup is but what are they together?

That’s enough exposure to confirm SS and local police have not worked well together. There’s no way Crooks could have climbed onto that roof without a lookout. IMO, that tactical building should have been secured by local police. It’s their building. Which raises the question, why did Crooks choose that building? A shooter usually avoids law enforcement wherever it is.
Cheatle seems dismissive of the whole thing with her public confession and apology as if they should appease any further investigation. She does need to go and a full investigation into the Secret Service needs to be opened but she’s not going to resign. They will have to fire her and Trump can do that as soon as he takes office. Mayorkas seems to be in lockstep with Cheatle. His public statement of commitment to an independent review falls on deaf ears. Everybody knows the SS is not going to investigate and hold themselves accountable. His failure in providing the necessary protection for a presidential candidate and the protection that was provided, agents too short to covering Trumps head and the excessive number of women, should be thoroughly reviewed.

The questions I would like answered:

  • Who gave the order to not engage the shooter and why? What I mean is, who gave the head of that sniper unit those orders?

  • Why did Crooks choose that building? Was it the roof pitch? Was it the firing range that appealed to him? Was it a convenience for the lookout, assuming he had one?

  • Assuming he had a lookout, was that person in law enforcement?

  • Who was on the water tower and why aren’t we getting more info on that and was that the lookout or a second shooter?

  • How widely was his photo circulated before the shooting took place? That answer alone would tell us how many people in law enforcement and the SS had an opportunity to stop the shooter before he claimed onto that roof.

I just watched a video that had a clip of Candace Owens talking about how her husband took the wrong stairwell at the convention and was stopped by Secret Service and told not to move or they would shoot and she had to run over and tell them that was her husband and stated that secret service is trained to shoot from 1000 yards out so there’s no way that shooter could’ve climbed on top of that roof without getting caught.

What she said was that Secret Service always secures everything 1000 yards out so there is no doubt that it was deliberate.

I guess JD Vance is a catholic. No wonder you don’t like him, lol.

I’m proud to be from Massachusetts.

I never said I didn’t like him. I just don’t trust him. He graduated from Yale so there is a really good chance he is a member of the exclusive and all white Skull and Bones or Brotherhood of Death club. He supports mandating the vaccination, especially for all nurses even though it has killed more than 10 million people worldwide. Trump didn’t choose him because he’s a God-fearing Christian conservative. Trump appointed him to this role to expose his works and loyalty to him, as he has done with every person he has ever appointed in the past.

You haven’t commented on the assassination attempt.

Also, will you be voting for Biden in the next election? He’s a strong opponent for Trump but if Trump will try harder and campaign more in swing states I believe there is a slim chance he might be victorious.

The MSM has spent the better part of 8 years painting Trump as the next Hitler but they just made him look cute in cartoons lol.

This dingbat allowed the building to be exposed to vulnerabilities, allowed a shooter on the building, allowed the shooter to fire and then killed him so he couldn’t talk, which in my opinion she might as well have taken the shot herself.

The very source for protection against crashing computers has crashed our computer. Being the conspiracy theorist that I am I naturally believe it was deliberate.
Trump mentioned them in 2016. That was obviously deliberate as well.

I will vote for Biden if he’s still on the ticket. Other than Israel, he’s been a good President. He obviously needs a strong cabinet. Looks like he can barely get out of bed. Democrats suck at primaries.

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I just hope Trump dies peacefully in his sleep of natural causes. Soon. Ideally before November.

Really? You post a list of his accomplishments in office. I’ll run fetch Trump’s. I’ve got 20 bucks that says my list is bigger than yours. :nerd_face:

He needs a new party. His has abandoned him.

Ahhh, his 2nd greatest accomplishment after his double dose, quadruple vaccine booster against the contraction and global spread of COvid.

Perhaps his Secret Service detail will suffocate him with a pillow.

You would lose, unless you lied, which you would, possibly by quoting other people’s lies. Biden’s record is excellent. His main accomplishment was rescuing the US economy from the total disaster Trump left your nation in. The problem with Biden isn’t his (excellent) record, it is the fact that he is now obviously too old to continue.

Perhaps. A nice fantasy. My compliments.

interesting, if only the other side had drones too…

To add insult to injury, there were several shooters. Make it make sense. Why so many shooters? They sure took a lot of time to kill him for the end result to be a grazing.

I pray for Trump every day.

Psalm 109:6-15.

6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.
7 When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.
8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour.
12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.
13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Let them be before the Lord continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.

PS: I continue to be stunned by the total insanity of about half the American population, who see this fat fool as some kind of Messiah who will bring them peace and prosperity. Idiots. They deserve their own fate. I only pity the sane Americans they drag down with them.