
Looks like someone tried to kill Trump. Sadly he missed.

Thankfully, the shooter wasn’t missed.

did they? looks staged to me

The shooter with the bad aim is a registered republican from Pennsylvania.


alleged shooter, no proof of any shooting

What proof would satisfy you, Nico?


it would require more than a scratched ear

What, then? What proof do you require to believe that Trump was shot?

At this point, there is more evidence (that photo above) of Trump having been shot than we were ever presented of Ronald Reagan being shot, or of JFK being shot. I am not trying to convince you, Nico. It amuses me greatly that you question this.

What proof do you require to believe that Trump was shot?

iam not a believer, i question everything and follow my instincts

and all i can say is that the released clip looks staged to me and i think of who will benefit the most from it and that is trump

This part I agree with. Trump will get a sympathy poll-boost from this.

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look at this clip with this bearded dude… claims to have been pointing and yelling about a guy with a rifle crawling on a roof minutes before the shooting took place…

I watched. Given their apparent ineffectiveness, perhaps a copycat attempt may be more successful. Then again, I doubt Trump’s security will be as lax in the future.

It is interesting why a registered republican blonde white guy would shoot at Trump.

Republicans love guns. What’s the big deal?

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Nico treats this like an alter call. Always suspicious that every event is staged to drag him, kicking and screaming, iam not a believer, to the alter when in reality no one is even thinking about that.

Like his poor spiritual judgment, Nico hasn’t thought this through very well considering the person who benefits the most from Trump’s death is Biden.

Lax? Trump’s request for more Secret Service detail was repeatedly denied.

Yeah, that’s a real head scratcher but may he wanted Trump to die.

So do agenda-driven Democrats with motive.

Do you think the word "agenda’ is a bad word?

I believe we should follow Trump’s medical plan on this. Since he clearly now has a pre-existing risk, his coverage should be reduced. They should cut his security detail.

You’re a sick man, Reg. Terrible thought. Biden’s administration would raise premiums with all the money that would save.

A peek into the life of Trump’s shooter. Still no clear motive. Only that he tried to assassinate Trump. He did vote Democrat in 2020, even though he is a registered Republican. Spectators saw him climb onto the roof and alerted security, who were ordered not to engage but when he shot Trump, one sniper did fire on him. That sniper was allegedly arrested, questioned and then let go.

Vance, a big favorite with Trump’s MAGA base, saw the extra protection at his house following the assassination attempt on Trump that the former president miraculously survived, with Vance blaming Joe Biden for the rhetoric leading to it.

All the added security around Vance indicates which of the three Trump is about to choose as his running mate.

One more thing…

Trump is calling America to unite and fight. Biden is calling for unity but the hostile language and calls for death he and his supporters have created within the party will take time to change, provided Biden is sincere, which I have serious doubts about but I believe can happen. However, he has fallen short of acknowledging the shooting as an assassination attempt and he’s has called Trump a liar, a loser, an authoritarian fascist must be stopped at all cost, a sucker and other names I can’t even recall right now but the point is, unity will only happen when Biden’s script evolves into something more like-minded with the rest of society.

Trump contributed his life-saving head turn to God saying that "it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening”.

From this lengthy article it appears Vance is in lockstep with Trump.

I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. I’m thinking not but idk Trump’s position on mandating vaccines.

Separately, charges against Trump in the classified documents case have been dropped., although Smith says he will appeal.