
Seems to me there’s plenty, but as I said, I don’t care if there’s any evidence at all. I just want the fat orange idiot to suffer. I have been disappointed many times, though, so I am not holding out hope.

Yeah? Do you think they found the cancelled check?

Michele, which part of “I don’t care if there’s any evidence at all. I just want the fat orange idiot to suffer.” are you having trouble understanding?


Jury selection is almost done. Far faster than anyone expected. This is going well so far.

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This is different. He doesn’t appear to be a Trumpet.

He appears to be an idiot. Surely he didn’t believe he could self-immolate to bring justice to corrupt billionaires lol. That’s so dumb lol. He should have stayed in Florida where all the perverted billionaires are. At least he would still have life. Now, he not only doesn’t have life, he has no voice for his cause.

Do you think billionaires have a higher chance of being a pervert?

Not a higher chance since perversion has no boundary within a man but definitely more occasions to act on temptation.

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This is exactly right. Lots of men find children attractive. Most have no money or power to speak of, and they get married and live normal lives. Billionaires have the means and power to act on their base impulses.

Yes, but billionaires are never caught. Never prosecuted. Never held accountable. Not in this life anyway. Billionaires are above the law, Reg. They own they justice system along with the media, Hollywood. the medical community, the food industry, transportation and the energy sector. There is nothing they don’t own.

You know this pervert wasn’t a billionaire. Billionaires own the gun industry and the secret service that shot and killed him.

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Does this remind you of anything? Reminds me of Election Day, 2016. Why would anyone behave in such a way. We give almost three times as much to Ukraine than we do Israel but it’s never enough. After passing this bill some globalist government official wished death on Trump supporters. It seems a little cold and even cruel. I have to ask what possesses these people to act out in rage when Dems accomplished what they wanted.

Never enough? You’ve been giving to Ukraine for 2 years. You’ve been giving to Israel for 80 years.

Yes but in 80 years we haven’t given Israel what we’ve given Ukraine.

Trump made his first verbal gaffe.

Trump said, We’re in it for, I think, two hundred million lol.


That made me chuckle.

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Yeah, I can tell it went way over your head.

This woman is so clueless. Her mind only runs in one direction and as usual, not right.

The White House Correspondents Dinner was Saturday night and there was plenty of material for the entertainment.

Okay, this joke drew crickets but at least the point was made.

He’s the butt of every joke but it appears he’s using himself to laugh with everyone he’s screwed.

I totally agree with Trump on this. Hopefully Michele will see this.