
Mitch is a POS. Ted Cruz also said he’d never support Trump after he insulted his father and then proceeded to suck orange dick for 4 years.

Did you like watching that little child talking through the big guys microphone? Your party promotes this.

Really? What would you do if someone called your wife a dog?

Yeah, nothing gets past you.

You’re disgusting. Perhaps Cruz had a change of heart after he admitted the truth, that his dad killed JFK.

Yeah. Amazing how they all kissed orange colored ass cheeks as soon as he was president. They’re all spineless bastards and, judging by their ability to flip flop, likely were picked on in school… Hence the people pleasing flip flopping.

As a Mises Libertarian, I enjoy watching both wings of the shit eagle we call the political system. Fk Trump and fk Biden.

That happens when people are guilty of something. Trump was exposing the deep state corruption and perversion. Those ass kissers probably had something dirty to hide.


Explain this, please?

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If you want someone who actually researches stuff, I suggest you subscribe to John Brisson’s Patreon. He’s the absolute leader in researching the CIA’s ties to running a global paedophile ring known as “The Finders”.

If you can stand Jim aka Mr. Metokur’s vulgarity, he did an entire stream on the initial FOIA release. He did a Part 2 where John Brisson joined.

Part 1

Part 2

Explain why Trump banned him from Mar-a-lago.

I will listen to the clip later tonight and thank you. I have really good sources on Telegram and of course there is always plenty to read here.

Explain why he’s in the black book multiple times?

John’s sources are directly from the finder’s investigation. I know Reg is old enough to remember the “Satanic Panic”… This is what it was all about. The Finder’s.

This is my first time seeing the black book. I assume they exchanged contact information upon meeting. I’m certain that changed and Epstein was removed from Trump’s book when he banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago.

I saw Alec Baldwin’s name in the book. I wonder what he was doing in there.

You assume, you don’t know.

Again, you’re seeing this with a bias towards Trump. You’re hoping this is what has happened because of that bias and seem to deflect away from the fact that Trump WAS on the flight logs to the island and Epstein WAS in Trump’s black book and vice versa.

I work in the world of facts and logic. Facts show they each had exchanged contact information. Logic says they’ve likely had dealings. Photos show proof they’ve been together.

No, I assume you don’t know.

So does the black book, I’m assuming again.

So does the black book.

I’m hoping you will tell me what I’m having for lunch tomorrow.

Many Trump supporters are hoping he will die.

Their rationale was straightforward: The former president is 76 years old, overweight, appears to maintain the diet of a college freshman, and believes, contrary to all known science, that exercise is bad for you. Why risk alienating his supporters when nature will take its course sooner or later?

Perhaps he will fade away like that article.

Somebody called Trump a “pussy ass bitch” on twitter, so he asked twitter to take it down
Of course, he wasn’t successful.

Reminds me of the lawyer that defended the cops thar murdered George Floyd.

I searched for the context there. Interesting.

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Perhaps Trump should have asked Chatgpt.

Like a zit on society.

When you…


This is rich. The disgusting, repulsive, obese, orange pig is attacking the physical appearance of the very attractive Stormy Daniels.

Imagine what he calls his wife.

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