
Not her. Shes so paranoid shes worried about getting raped on an airplane with 200 other people on board.

And there we differ. I think facts matter. I think it matters that you throw out incorrect numbers you can’t support and base your opinions on those incorrect “facts”. I think it matters that Trump does that, too, far more than you do. I think it would be a bad idea to build a wall in the Sahara Desert that would cost hundreds of billions while accomplishing nothing, and I am not willing to just move on to the next new shiny object (based on more incorrect “facts”) over and over again after the “facts” cited by the Orange Idiot are proven wrong.


I’m not dismissing the truth of what I posted.

I have to go soon. In order to get to the point I have to pick and choose my battles.

All those facts do matter and if you want to wait here while I run find it, I will do that.

For me, the Left will not address the works and you have just proven my point.

The real difference between us…

I know what your bitch is. I get it. But we can’t address his flaws if we can’t address what he is up against.

But you refuse to see it from my angle they way I do.

I have no problem admitting to the truth of what you say.

But I will defend his works until the day I die.

You don’t have to meet me half way. I’ve already come half way.

I’ll go further!

But you have to give some too.

Because I will not sacrifice what I believe about Trump for you or anyone else.

Well…your silence tells me everything I need to know.

He may be an idiot but he’s an idiot that is going to fight for us.

Michele, I’m not looking to meet you half way. We simply disagree on this topic. I am not looking to compromise at all. I want nothing less than for Trump to be impeached, removed from office, criminally charged and convicted, bankrupted, and incarcerated. I have never hidden this at all.

If you ever get around to posting evidence of this vast left wing swamp conspiracy he’s fighting, I’ll look at it.

That’s a very narrow-minded view considering you said earlier you wanted facts and truth.

Of course. Fox news. Trumps Pravda.