
Then why are you whining?

Be happy and celebrate your victory everywhere you can.

You call that a whine?

Yes, Reg, I do! It’s whining disguised as a glorified Canadian natural gas boom.

Someone once said, “No one wins in a trade war.” Did they lie or are you just not telling me where Canada is going to suffer?

Canada isn’t currently in any trade wars, but yes, if we end up in one we will lose, as will the other party.

Well if you believe that (which I do) then you have to realize that trump is a moron. Can I get an amen?

I could easily give you an amen based on his gender but I would like you, above all else, to know that I believe Trump is only as moronic as those who would emulate him.
Can I get an Amen?

Are you asking me to have intercourse with you?

Trump asked the Spanish foreign minister to build a wall across the Sahara desert to keep Africans out, lol.

Not kidding.

He also thinks the Mexican border is bigger than the Sahara desert, lol.

12 countries in the Sahara.

Our fearless leader.

Someone should tell him there is this thing called water between Spain and Africa.

I admit, I didn’t believe this. I mean, even Trump couldn’t be that stupid, right? I googled. I was wrong again.

Except for Melilla, Spain. One of two permanently inhabited Spanish cities in mainland Africa. The other being Ceuta.

While you were busy shooting another man down and lifting yourself up, you twisted the story and made it about race. Nice job, Lefty!

Edit to add: 35,000 migrants passing through the enclave into Spain this year alone.

How did I make it about race?

I wonder if Spain will get “Africa” to pay for it.

Do you think trump thinks Africa is a country?



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To keep Africans out or criminals?

Top story on Australian Broadcasting.


This has to be embarrassing for many Americans.

I must admit I was not expecting this but it does seem to be what we are experiencing.

The Left fact-checks everything, losing his message in the process.
The Right ignores the facts about Trump to keep from losing the message, which is important.

I wish this journalist would move to America.

I invite you to consider the significance of what you just wrote, Michele. If Trump’s message won’t withstand fact-checking, is there really any value in it at all?