
Trump is really appealing to 80’s cartoon buffs. I like his pronouncing of Oregon. It straight reminded me of Thundar The Barbarian. Then he talks about how “Oregon” has been burning for years and it always burning. I even suddenly lusted for the Thundar’s sun sword. It’s like he is TV set and holds the promise of cable.

That would have have to mean he was watching cartoons in his 30’s and even 40’s. What’s possibly worse getting caught with in a hotel room?

It’s amazing how wildfires are burning all the way to the Canadian border but the fires are refusing to cross the border, as if by magic.

Like covid would go away “like magic”?

Changing the subject because you can’t explain why the fire isn’t crossing the border?

No. Ridiculing magic.

Ridicule all you want. I never said it was magic. I just said it was like magic.

So it’s a trick?

You tell me. Why the fire isn’t burning in Canada? Have Canadians poured water on the border?

I don’t know. Maybe they’re out of wood.

I can believe that. They probably burn both ends thinking there is an over abundance.

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God, Michele, don’t you ever get tired of spewing crap without checking if it’s true? The fires are nowhere near Canada.

The smoke is sure reaching Canada, though. AQI in Vancouver is usually around 20. Today it’s 194 and will probably hit 200 by the end of the day.

The tree hugging, supposedly environmentalist, i.e., whacked out liberals in California and Oregon who stopped logging claiming reasons like Spotted Owl endangerment have caused these fires that end up being much more destructive to wildlife. The Canadians aren’t so tight with their tree logging, as Trump would say, you can’t blame them for being smart, they simply take advantage of us by selling their lumber to us while our Libs go about their typical insane bureaucratic economical and environmentally ruining antics. Hopefully putting an end to this nonsense will take place in the next 4 years with Trump as President…

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Vancouver hit an AQI of 216 today. Portland hit 374 which is flat out dangerous to breathe. Many people are going to die who were never close to any fires.