
It is murder and it is barbaric. It also might be a good idea.

Oh I think I read that wrong. I thought you said ganglords running the inside. As in killing people in prison.

If the gangleader is ordering hits from the inside, he should be killed. That’s self defense. If the guy is Jeffery dahmer, then no killing of the inmate.

Honestly, I don’t understand. Maybe it’s the way I’m reading it.
Murder is murder unless it is handed down by the law as just punishment for a crime. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the inside or out. I’m not sure why you are justifying murder as righteous vengeance in prison matters.

Michele, if you can say “Murder is murder unless…[insert some condition here]”, so can Dan.

Murder is just a word people use to describe killings they don’t approve of.

To me it’s all the same, and I don’t care what label one chooses, including the label “murder”. That doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally approve of murder because I do.

lol this is an interesting bunch of people

I never said Dan couldn’t.

That is just not true. You can not demand I use a dictionary while you make up definitions to words to suit your own fleshy desire to justify the act in your own mind.


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  1. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

“the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer”


1. kill (someone) **unlawfully** and with premeditation.

“somebody tried to murder Joe”

i prefer this one:

to kill; to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; [slay]

I like this one:

All murder is killing, but not all killing is murder”

is that a quote from your jesus?

What did I lie about, Reg?

And how am I a hypocrite? I mean I know I am but how? I’m asking because I don’t know. Many times it’s easier for others to see what I can’t see about myself.

You lie to yourself about many things, Michele, and then having convinced yourself with your own lies, you then repeat those lies to others. It’s very common. I think we all do it to some extent.

In your case, you lie about Trump in many ways (you lie about him not taking health care away from millions, you lie about him not destroying your environment, you lie about him boosting the US economy when even at his best he never did better than Obama, you lie about him draining the swamp). You lie about things other than Trump, too. You lie about these vast conspiracies. You lie about it being ok to pray and prophesy with your head uncovered and still be saved according to your religion. You lie that it’s ok to eat pork according to your religion (those rules don’t apply, but the rule right beside it forbidding homosexuality still applies somehow). You lie that Jesus who wrote whatever you do to the weakest among us you do to me, would somehow approve of the RWNJ philosophy of letting the weak starve.

That’s also how you are a hypocrite. Again, we all do this to a certain extent.

I’m justifying putting the gangleader to death because not killing him could result in murders on the street. That is self defense for the victim he would order a hit on. Someone like ted Bundy who worked alone would pose no danger once locked up. There is no reason to kill him. The difference between the two is are they still dangerous?

I agree with Reg. They should be allowed to receive the death penalty. They should also be allowed to vote. ;).

Yippee! We three agree. They should be allowed to vote, as soon as they pay the penalty for their crime.

What difference does that make? Should they get a free pass from punishment if they live like saints for the rest of their lives? What if they don’t? Can you punish them with prison after they have lived out their lives.
I’m sorry I don’t understand why it matters of they are still dangerous. They weren’t penalized according to potential rehabilitation and they have nothing to prove to society after they are released.

No, but tell the truth. You like his work don’t you?

Your whole religion is based on this concept. Do horrible things, say sorry and go to heaven.

What are lies to one…

Most in this country have health care but they don’t need it. No one is getting sick except people who have corona. Corona is covered by the stimulus package. Thanks Trump.

Words destroy more than the environment, Reg.

I misinterpreted one. That’s not the same thing as a lie. I thought they were talking about literal children being rescued from the tunnels. I haven’t seen any evidence of little children being rescued from any tunnels and they way they are describing it, this alleged rescue of the children from the tunnels is happening all over the world. Because of that, they (Q) may have been talking about Gods children being taken from “dark to light” concerning a specific event.

Ahh, yes. Obama was tremendous. Probably the greatest ever. Until we get our hands on those documents under protective guard of the Obama Justice Dept.

You lie that I lie about it.

Everything is sanctified by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.

Because it’s still an abomination for a man to have sex in another man’s rectum. Don’t you agree?

I’m sorry. This reads like babble and I don’t understand your accusation.

You make it sound so easy and yet it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to Heaven.

what work?