
I thought this was interesting because there are over 60 other people on federal death row. Bill Gates could really tackle over population if he took this avenue for population control. Jus sayin’


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What is barbaric?


Murder might have been a bad word.

Killing someone who poses no threat to you. Barbaric.

I agree. Barbaric! These men killed children who posed no threat to them.

Michele, you threatened to kill me if I took you water skiing.

Yeah, I was evil every day.

in the eyes of religious people its not considered killing but saving someone or sending them to heaven

True. My mother despises Trump.

It’s worse than that. Religious people can rationalize whatever they want to do, no matter how wrong or immoral, as long as they cite some verse in their silly books. This is an abdication of responsibility similar to what you see in small children (which is appropriate, since religious people are very much like small children). “See, it’s not my fault I did this wrong/immoral thing, it says to do it in this book.”

Religious people can take “thou shalt not kill” and change it to “thou shalt not kill unless we really want to or unless the victim is a darkie in Iraq or Afghanistan in which case it’s fine”. They can take “do not eat pork” or “women should not pray and prophesy with their hair uncovered” and change them to “don’t listen to Polka music on Thursdays” because they like to eat pork and don’t want to wear hair coverings.

Hypocrites, the lot of them, and dishonest ones at that.

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Agreed. Barbaric. Killing someone that poses no threat to you.

Now that we have established that it was barbaric, do you believe they deserve death because imho, they do.

That may be the way you see it and that’s fine but in my eyes it’s murder.

You consider the death penalty to be murder?

No. I consider the death penalty to be justice.

Call it a different word and it becomes ok?

I call it what it is. You can put any name you want on it. That doesn’t make it so.

I find both acts barbaric. Killing a human that cannot hurt you is barbaric. Unless they are ganglords running from the inside. If it was a serial killer on their own and put away, the murder or as you call it capital punishment is barbaric.

I agree totally about it being barbaric, but I do wish we would permit prisoners to self-terminate if they choose. If someone is facing the next 20 years in prison and they’d rather opt out right now, I say let them. Interesting case of the gang leader running some operation from the inside. I had never thought of that before. I’m not sure how we should handle such cases.

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So if it’s done on the inside it’s not murder?