
Neither did Trump.

According to Trump, I overpaid by a lot lot.

Well if you paid a dime in taxes you paid a dime more than trumps rich friends.

By the way Michele, why DID you delete your anti-Mueller posts on facebook? Did your friends take offense? Did they say mean things to you or try to humiliate you. Just between us.

Trump has more turnover. That’s not why I’m posting. That’s just normal for his circus. I just get a kick out of his grammar. “will be nominated by me”. lol. He wouldn’t want to say “who I will nominate”. That would be literate. lol.


The Baltimore Sun just responded to Trump’s attack on that city. Their response is truly legendary. This is one of the best burns I’ve ever read. lol. “Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one.” omg burn. lol.

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To get a good sense of where we’re going watch “Years and years” on HBO. It’s excellent but terrible. I couldn’t watch the second episode till 4 hours later but now I’m enured and binging. You will see many familiar things and some familiar real people.


"But just a few years ago, Sen. [Bernie Sanders - a candidate seeking the Democratic Party’s [2020 presidential] nomination – took his own shots at Baltimore, a struggling Northeast city grappling with high rates of violent crime, drug abuse, poverty and political corruption.

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation,” Sanders said during a visit to the city’s West Baltimore section in December 2015, the Baltimore Sun reported. “You would think that you were in a Third World country.” ~ Fox News

…but maybe ole Bern slipped by the grammar police so that made his argument more valid? :wink:


Hello, Tychius. Nice to see another RWNJ here.

Have you noticed how much Tychicus looks like DammitBoy?

A christian too! Maybe if we’re good we can get some spiritual advice.

I remember him from before. If I recall correctly, he disappeared after predicting a Romney landslide in 2012. I’m not gloating. I predicted a Hillary landslide in 2016.

Lord knows you need some.

You think you know what the Lord wants?

Better a meal of vegetables where there is love
than a fattened ox with hatred.

Better to live on the corner of a roof
than to share a house with a nagging wife.

Better to live in a wilderness
than with a nagging and hot-tempered wife.


2 Kings 18:27 hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?


By the way, they’re not the same person. Kurt (Dammitboy!) must be 60ish by now and was (and presumably still is) an atheist.

Yes and if you keep pushing I’m going to tell you.

While we all know you mean this for evil to hurt me, God means it for good. It is only fair to tell you that Gods Word always gives me comfort.

God, you’re good! If only you would explain it to me.

I believe it was a threat indicating what conditions would be like for the people if there was an extended siege of Jerusalem.

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Hey Reg, I hope your doing well. Just dropped in in passing. But I might stop by occasionally to correct some of your errors and pick on your fallacious debate style and poor logic. :wink:

I dropped by maybe a year ago but thought the site was gone?

I think I remember AgeofGrace and MyBigMoon also. And maybe Gundi only I thought it was Gunda?