
Back in Colombia! I am so happy to be here. I love my life here.

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It is good, but it’s also odd. Canada is safe, clean and pristine. Colombia is none of those things, and yet I prefer being here every time.

I’m not experiencing any bad weather. You almost never experience any real weather here, good or bad. It’s always about 21°C (about 70°F).

Heading to Medellín for a week. We’re thinking of living there. I’ve been there a few times and didn’t like it. We’ll see if this trip changes or reinforces my previous feelings.

Too many mountains? Quite a large city. We really have no big cities. 600000 in Boston.

No. The woman wants to get her PhD and Medellin is probably the best place to do that. We’re there now and I quite like it so far.

may I ask what area of study she is interested in?

I don’t drink coffee. Is Colombia okay to visit for someone who doesn’t drink coffee?

No. You must drink coffee.

Of course. She has a master’s degree in entomology. I had to Google what that was when I met her. It’s the study of bugs. We are amusingly unstereotypical when a bug makes its way into the house. I yell “kill it” and she wants to identify it.

I like coffee in the morning but couldn’t care less what kind it is. Colombia is a great place to visit. If we move to Medellin, you should come hang with us for a few days.

Also this.

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Well, let her identify it then kill it.

Parts of Medellín are just North America in Spanish.

I’ve now been in Medellin for a week. I don’t like it much. It’s not in my top 5 cities in Colombia. I may still live here for a while, though, as it’s the best place for my woman to get her PhD. I’ve always said I could make a go of it anywhere. That might be put to the test soon.

:-(. Definitely looks like North America.

Back in Mosquera. I much prefer it here, but I signed to rent an apartment for a year in Medellin so my life is going to change.

Medellin looks beautiful. 3.6 million people in a city in the mountains? You don’t see that over year. Our mountains are quite puny. How’s the air quality?

Medellin is very beautiful from some viewpoints but overall, it’s run down and unappealing. El Poblado is the rich area and it’s very beautiful in a North American way. We are going to live in an area called Niquia which is new and shiny but much less rich. The air was fine when we were there but it gets bad sometimes which is one reason we chose Niquia as it never gets bad there. Here’s Medellin from Rio Negro.

I snapped a few bad photos when renting the new apartment. It’s right in the middle of the Andes, so close it feels like you could hit them with a rock. 3 beds, 2 baths, about a thousand square feet, $500 per mo.

$500? wow.