
Who didn’t see that coming! He/she is a fool. It’s a wonder he didn’t break her jaw.

The fun part is they all knew it was going to happen so they banned video. You can’t find video of the massacre anywhere.

Oh, sure. The whole thing was a setup from the start so they can boast about their own greatness.

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Another women’s space is now violated.

you mean liberated :wink:

i dont see how any sane person can disagree with that court ruling…

if you have a legal birth certificate stating you are a woman, then of course you have the same rights as any other woman

of course you can say that a person should not have been given that birth certificate but that is something you can take up with your government and try to change the laws on that…

That’s because you aren’t sane, Nico! :smiley:

That’s because you are stupid, Nico! :smiley: Abraham Lincoln: If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Four. Just because you call a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.

That’s the first sensible thing you said. I can and do say that, true. I also do not choose to base my opinions on pieces of paper issued by governments. You recently agreed with me that borders are just imaginary creations of no natural meaning drawn by governments. So are birth certificates. If someone doesn’t have one (and billions don’t), were they not born?

interesting opinions, personally i wouldnt be surprised if in some language the word tail means leg or reg :wink:

excellent choice

guess the world should be very thankful that the majority decides what laws we have, that you are a coward and that you choose to follow those rules… otherwise you could make planet earth great again and become the mass murderer you always wanted to be eh? lmao

yes, although no i always agreed with that

no, those are actually physical documents which can be quite handy for legal reasons

yes, no, maybe? billions believe a son of a god was born and lived on this planet and that someone else had an immaculate conception… if they had a birth certificate that sure would have cleared up a lot of things!

i do not think its relevant to this issue; we can all believe what we want on every subject

the real question is who decides who is male or female or something else? we all can do that for ourselves but what gives them the appropriate rights?

the only answer in todays society is the laws of the government in the country you live in