The Taliban

Gee, Reg. Did you eat too much Halloween candy?

Not likely. That idiot Khamenei has declared the Islamic republic a mighty tree that couldn’t be uprooted and in the same breath called the U.S. weak. They are just trying to provoke us but I doubt Biden is provokable. In fact, he will probably send them aid to kill us.

Complete insanity. I’m so naive I thought the Taliban was going to do better. What a bunch of fear-filled dimwits.

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Today the Taliban banned women from working for NGOs, in addition to the ban on higher education a few days ago. I hope their people overthrow these pigs quickly.

I almost couldn’t believe what I was reading here. If that’s true, the C plus I and A is the drug mafia for the whole world. Would it be fair to say their policing doesn’t really extend beyond the global child and drug trafficking?

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Possibly. I certainly don’t know what good they do. They appear to be pure evil.

So is every other three letter organization in America.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

I like some of the things the Taliban have done, especially in the area of drugs. I hate that they’ve stopped women from getting an education, though, and this new ban on music is just stupid.

Yeah, there’s probably no men smart enough to teach them.

That’s terrible but at least they can stop wasting their time for nothing.

The US talked about stopping the drug trade. The Taliban did it.

A true humanitarian would have starved him instead of this barbaric death by gunfire in front of onlookers.

I chatted with an Afghan the other day living under the Taliban. He is not a Talib. He admits, however, that Afghanistan is run 1000 times better under the Taliban than under the US puppets they had before. I don’t support the Taliban, but I think it’s important to assess such data without emotion.