It’s typical Gehry. I don’t know what people see in his stuff but whatever, it’s interesting, and I like to see cities (and people) trying to stay beautiful as they age. Both cities and people will often fail. I often do. Still, it’s good to see them trying. People should dress well and look after their bodies, even if the days of people finding us “hot” are long gone. Cities should build interesting (and if possible, beautiful) new buildings, and they should clean up their crappy areas if they can. It’s good.

Agreed and now I feel convicted to go clean the garage.
The concert hall is beautiful. It just evokes a feeling of shielding themselves from skid row. Of course, I probably wouldn’t have seen it that way had you not told me it was built at the edge of skid row.

Ireland. Dublin to be specific.

Indian food. I enjoy it but in small doses. It’s too heavy for every meal, and Isa dislikes spicy food.


A Christmas market in Frankfurt. Photo credit

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Christmas in Amsterdam. They probably had to clear out the prostitutes and drug addicts for the shot but whatever, it looks nice.

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Winter. Mt. Bachelor, somewhere in Oregon according to Google.

A courtroom. It seems to me so much in the world right now is dependent on courts. Israel is being accused of genocide in the International Court of Justice. The future of the US is in front of various courts, primarily involving Trump. A handful of judges are going to decide our future and the rest of us have no choice but to go along with what they say.

Bicycles in Amsterdam.

I just noticed the ashtrays on the tables. Omg vomit. God the Dutch are gross. Disgusting. Stinking Dutch smokers. God, vomit.

obviously they are placed on the outside tables for the canadians and other americans that visit amsterdam :wink:

Gross stinking Dutch. Vastly more Dutch smoke than Canadians or Americans. God, vomit.

old statistics and i highly doubt your statement is correct…lets see:

as expected, your statement is inaccurate; sure in percentages canada (17,5%) is doing much better than usa (25,1%) and the netherlands (23,4%)

of course if we look at the actual number of smokers the comparison is not even close:
usa 86m
canada 7m
netherlands 4m
(numbers rounded up in my head, feel free to precisely recalculate lol)

In 2021, an estimated 11.5% (28.3 million) of U.S. adults currently smoked cigarettes. Source

The latest smoking data from 2021 showed that: 12% of Canadians aged 15 and older currently smoke cigarettes. Source

In 2014 current smokers constituted 25.7% of the Dutch population, but by 2021 this had fallen to 20.6%. Source

I hate to break this to you, Nico, but the WHO, the CDC and the Government of Canada are more credible sources than “Data Panda”. lol. You are such a pretender.

Only someone who doesn’t understand statistics at all would do that. Because that’s stupid and irrelevant. And so I’m not surprised you felt the need to quote those numbers. lol, wanker.

when you want to make comments about our current population its normal to use current data and not info from years ago
dont be surprised that in a few years your who, cdc and your government will come out and show very similar results lol

when someone makes silly incorrect statements like this, its very relevant:

feel free to calculate the numbers using your precious outdated info lol (or use any info from last century or any prediction for the future for that matter lol), it will come out with the same result: that your silly statement is obviously and blatently wrong :wink:

Outdated? Silly Dutch wanker. This is data from 2021. God you’re dense. lol.

Nico, I obviously meant more per capita, which is the only number that matters. Wanker. lol.

yes outdated… i know you are getting old and even more senile… but its 2024, reg

lol no, what is obvious is that you wanted to have some fun and you had to be intellectual dishonest in order to do so, which is fine considering who you are :wink:

I wasn’t even slightly intellectually dishonest. When comparing populations, the ONLY numbers that matter are per-capita. You’re just dense. And Dutch. God, wanker. lol.