The Godless Dutch

lol no its not… its official that his party is by far the largest and its likely he will make some promises to some powerhungry liars that will allow him to be prime minister (and then it will be likely, that if/when he tries to reach some of his less pleasant objectives and or break some promises, they will quickly make this new government fall)

likely, but there is no certainty he will be the prime minister or even be included among the ruling parties of our new government…

Ok, I admit I don’t understand your system, but I am still happy! Geert Wilders won your election! Omg I wish Pim Fortuyn hadn’t died. He was still the best. A right wing homo.

Would you vote for him if he got rid of some of those ministries?

And two years later he wins your election! Hahahahahaha. I love the Dutch. And hate them, too.

yup and officially his party still only consists of 1 member

Your system is so weird. lol.

It must be easy to run if it only consists of one member.

And Wilders gives his first foreign interview to Canada’s right wing nut job website, Rebel News. lol.

happy sinterklaas everyone! :wink:

Merry Christmas, Nico. Are you mad that the Dutch don’t do the Zwarte Piet thing anymore?

bah humbug!

ah yes it looks like the grey and rainbow variants are becoming a majority but many still dress up as black petes

the kids dont care whether they get their candy and presents from a black or any other coloured weird person lol so i dont see why i should care either

I don’t personally see how dressing up like a black person is insulting but whatever. If I dress up as a white person, people might say “Reggie, you look ridiculous” but nobody will cry racism.

What’s a Zwarte Piet? :thinking:

Zwarte Piet is the black companion of St. Nicholas in the legends of the wicked Dutch, who then dress up in blackface as part of their Christmas celebrations. Since blackface is now considered a hate crime, they’ve largely stopped doing that and instead dress up like homos, which is not even really a costume for most Dutch.

besides that silly homophobic remark thats an excellent explanation, only thing i feel important enough to add is that in the netherlands and belgium not sinterklaas but the zwarte pieten are the ones that hand out the presents and the candy to the children that have been nice (and the ones that will give you a free vacation to spain if you were a bad kid)

while in other countries it is saint nicholas that gives the presents and they (falsely) portray the helpers of saint nicholas as demons:

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The vile and repulsive prostitute zone in Amsterdam is going to be moved. The wicked Dutch are finally doing something good.

good is an interesting choice of words especially if you have a company located in that new zone lol

relocating from where these activities officially been taking place since the 16th century, to a location near the amsterdam business center… moronic is the word i would choose :wink:

Wait, they’re moving it to the center of Amsterdam’s business district? Hahahahahaha.

from what i heard its not quite in the business center but they are planning to attach it to the business buildings and right next to a little train station for easy access lol :

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Well, at least it’s out of people’s faces. No exterior windows. I like the train station. .