The Godless Dutch

Rutte wants the NATO job it seems. I don’t really know why I dislike him. He’s done nothing wrong. Probably just because he’s Dutch.

What a naïve statement. They have all done something wrong.

looks like he will get it too… only contender is some romanian

A couple of Baltic people want it, too. The Estonian PM for instance. Still, Rutte should win. Gross Dutchman. I hope he has to move to Brussels. He deserves such a vile fate.

Muslim immigration is going so well for the Netherlands.

lol yes nice of you to notice that they even immigrate into the bad side of our society and when they get caught they get imprisoned; just like every other dutch criminal

Yes! I wish you would take ours, too. I’m pretty sure the French would be interested, too.

yes you are welcome too

ah you forgot you are an immigrant too eh? :wink:

Never. Nor am I in any way anti-immigrant. Canada would die without immigrants. So would the Netherlands but that’s not a negative. I am totally pro-immigrant. I am not so excited about Muslim immigrants who want to change our systems and culture to accommodate their sky fairy.

I also observe that almost all our gangs and organized crime in western cities around the world tend to be dominated by uneducated immigrant young men, often refugees, and I feel (as an immigrant man who was once young) that it is totally justified to implement additional surveillance and possible restrictions on these young men, again especially refugees.

lol@you observe… is this only in your mind or do you have some statistics to confirm your bigoted views?

Oh you are full of crap, Nico, as usual. You gross Dutch have Moroccan gangs. The Germans have Turkish gangs. Dan has Cambodian and Vietnamese gangs where he lives. I have Punjabi gangs where I live. To deny this is stupid, hence my lack of surprise at your denial.

oh i do not deny that there are immigrants in gangs and also that “certain people” enjoy seeing all immigrants as criminals even when they are not and not part of any gang

full of crap=people that make silly statements based upon their bigoted views

but do try to find some kind of evidence to confirm that “almost all our gangs and organized crime in western cities around the world tend to be dominated by uneducated immigrant young men” and prove you are not one of those? :wink:

Ok, let’s start with the Canadian Government. Note the very last sentence quoted.

The majority of the urban gangs in Vancouver can be identified by ethnic composition. Predominantly, these are Asian, Indo (East Indian), and Native Canadian (Aboriginal) gangs. Of the Asian urban gangs in operation, the majority are linked to organized crime. Gang members are exclusively male and range in age from approximately 12 years to adulthood. Urban gang activity has ranged from simple mischief and drug distribution, to assaults and less common, homicide. Criminal activity, including violence is focused on economic gain (i.e., is business related). The main criminal activities of the Asian urban gangs tend to be the production of drugs, drug distribution, and trafficking.

The Indo gangs of Vancouver are exclusively male. Gang membership appears to be tied to an antisocial expression of caste or clan, meaning that these gangs can be subdivided by Indo-ethnic origins. Of the different ethnic categories of urban gangs in Vancouver, the Indo gangs appear to engage in violent crime more frequently than the other urban gangs particularly in regard to shootings. Offences, insults, and disrespect toward an Indo gang can elicit a violent response in retaliation, and can result in violence between gangs. Typical offences committed by these gangs are drug distribution, fraud and assault. While criminal activity involves economic gain, the predominance of violent crime is committed between Indo gangs of different cultural backgrounds.

Membership in Native Canadian urban gangs is predominately made up of youth who have moved away from reservations. These youth tend to have had difficulty in establishing pro-social associations and seem to have found kinship among gang members. Males tend to have the larger representation, with relatively fewer female members. It appears that the majority of Native gangs might be more dynamic and less organized than some of the other ethnic-exclusive gangs, as members tend to relocate more frequently. These gangs can be responsible for a wide range of offences that include property crimes and assault. Most notable among their activities is the recruitment of adolescent Aboriginal females into prostitution.

There appear to be few exclusively Caucasian urban gangs in the Vancouver area.


ok lol sure if you focus on specific ethnic compositions of a specific ethnic gang its not a surprise that a specific ethnic gang concists of those specific ethnic people?

your (old) article also shows large percentages of canadian born parents and caucasians in several gangs which doesnt seem to rhyme with your statement “almost all our gangs and organized crime in western cities around the world tend to be dominated by uneducated immigrant young men”, does it?

2.2.3 Ethnicity

Nafekh (2002) explored the characteristics of Aboriginal federal inmates who were gang members while Craig et al. (2002) limited their sample boys who spoke French as their first language and had parents who were born in Quebec. Other studies described a variety of ethnic demographics. Thirty-eight percent of the Montreal youth in Hamel et al.'s (1998) study had Canadian-born parents, 19% had a Haitian background, 16% had a Latin American background, and the others were from a variety of backgrounds. In the Vancouver study (Gordon & Foley, 1998), the largest group was comprised of Asian gang members (45%), followed by Caucasian (20%), Aboriginal (14%), Middle Eastern (8%), Indo-Canadian (5%), African Canadian (3%) and Hispanic (2%).

The ethnic variation of gang composition has also been seen on a national level.

I got a missed call from :netherlands: today.

ah one of those pesky +31 spammers?
you can always type the number into google and see who tried to reach you, but it wasnt me! :wink:

It’s too bad. He would probably have been a great leader.

I am disappointed. Geert would have been a horrible leader but he would have made the Netherlands look ridiculous which would have amused me.

We agree for different reasons. I guess I just don’t understand Dutch politics but how did he win the vote and not coalition support?Doesn’t the coalition work for the people?