Youtube (correctly) seems to think I’m obsessed with the America’s Cup and keeps showing me videos of that event. This is the US boat (which got eliminated two rounds before the final) absolutely FLYING around the gates, unfortunately a bit too fast.
is that what you call what you do here?
you call it action?
God, Bill, seriously? Are you 12 years old or something? For God’s sake, your behaviour is pathetic. Like a child screaming in a supermarket except you must be over 60.
i just love to see a mastur in ACTION!
You’re right. No action. Feel free to take responsibility for your shortcomings.
The photo is a little blurred. What is that yellow thing? It looks like it’s strangling you.
One who takes great pleasure in giving themselves great pleasure.
You need to create action. It’s all on you now that you have made clear it’s dull here.
No pressure. I’d help but I’m all out of posts.
i wanted to have kids
but i don’t want to bring a child into this kind of
It’s Bill’s idea of humour. He spent time slagging your English. I pointed out he typed like a failed schoolchild and was in no moral position to criticize others. He got mad and said that he didn’t realize a tie was required here. Whatever. People in glass houses and all that.
i disagree
i actually laughed out loud when i typed that
i wasn’t mad
i was laughing at you
I take my test tomorrow for my ROC(M), the marine radio license in Canada. I have no reason at all to want this. I don’t plan to act as the radio operator on a ship anytime soon. I just wanted it.
Wanting it seems like a legitimate reason. It’s rare to hear of a person making a purchase or learning a skill because they didn’t want it. Didn’t you say you live near a port? Maybe you will retire from computing a sail away on someone’s big yacht someday.
I passed. I got 98%. I missed two questions about a warbling sound that is emitted before a distress signal by large ships. I am now legally permitted to operate a Maritime Radio anywhere in the world. It is a useless privilege, really, but I am happy to have it.
Great job. If it was multiple choice, I probably would have gotten a 25.
Very good Reg. Did you find the answer to the warble? It must be some sort of alert.
Many marine radios offer an additional audio means of sounding an alarm which consists of two audible tones of different pitch sent alternately, producing a warbling sound . Hell, everybody knows that.
Yes, I see you found it. I had no clue at all, and it wasn’t in the study materials I read. Whatever, I passed. I might join the Jericho Beach Kayak Club. Never fancied myself a kayaker but it’s appealing to me right now. Isa is totally into it, too.
I did kayaking for awhile. Mostly on rivers. It’s fun.
It’s funny how, when I was young and fit, I wanted huge luxurious yachts and cars, and now that I’m older and have aches and pains and get tired quickly, I bought a pair of bicycles and want to go kayaking. I’m becoming a cheaper and cheaper date with every year.
Thinking of this radio as my first marine radio purchase. It’s a Standard Horizon (which is Yaesu) and has all the toys I want for about $200 USD.
Do you have a river close by?