
pretty much

The guy that shot up the asians drove a Hyundai. What a moron.

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This made me chuckle.

This amazed me.

dont worry its likely that if they were asked if it would be ok for their son to get married to another guy they would be as discriminating as you :wink:

Imagine if the question was what if your son married a Dutch? I didn’t specify man or woman because who can tell the difference anyway?

Tomorrow is 1 year anniversary of George floyd’s death. How did his death affect your life? Other than possibly costing trump the election, not a whole lot for me. It didn’t affect my way of thinking.

Good question. Honestly, I think nothing changed for me.

I’m happy there are cameras everywhere but I was happy about that before he was killed. Yes, it means we have no privacy but it also means the cops can’t get away with murder and I’ll take that trade.

I continue to think we’re painting with too wide a brush and that the other cops there shouldn’t be facing life-ending consequences. I consider them collateral damage, however, and I believe some innocent cops will have to be sacrificed in order to find the correct equilibrium, just as countless innocent black lives were sacrificed on that path.

I continue to think George Floyd was a drug addict, a loser and a criminal, convicted of two armed robberies (one allegedly of a pregnant woman which he served 5 years in prison for) and several cocaine charges. He died with fentanyl in his system, after having just tried to pass off counterfeit money in a convenience store while high. He spent 8 of the last 20 years of his life in prison. The media portrayal of him as a saintly figure (to the point where his loser family are now treated as heroic figures on TV and are asked to comment on current events) is just repulsive.

He did not deserve to die and the cop who killed him is a murderer and should serve whatever the usual sentence is for unintentional murder.

I continue to think black people (and sympathetic whites) are stupid for burning local convenience stores and pharmacies because they’re mad.

I will be happy when I no longer hear about this case.

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No way. That is not right. They participated. George Floyd shouldn’t have faced life-ending consequences either.

I consider the brain damaged.

His murder was recorded. It looked intentional.

George Floyd may be a bad person. He may be a drug addict and thief but he had a right to life and begged for it. I heard him.

I agree. He should not have been murdered, and it WAS murder.

EDIT: What do you make of Dan’s question, Michele? Did George Floyd’s death change your life at all?

I don’t know, Reg. I haven’t really thought that much about it. I certainly don’t cry over him. He had a life and a right to live that life. If a man kills a cop we put him in death row. If a cop deliberately kills a man, he should die twice because his job is to serve and protect. He has a greater responsibility to the community and should, since he totes a gun around, have more control.
I had never seen the clip where Floyd was in the store just before he died. That clip brings his personality to life. He was just living like anyone else, not bothering anyone, not knowing he was about to be some stupid cops entertainment and not knowing he was acting out the last scene of his life.

I’ve been looking at the video I posted. His struggle began at 1:35, when he realized how tight they made the cuffs. To me: it looks like he’s already having some kind of medical problem here.

Then at 1:49, how tall is he? Would rather be put down on the ground? He was struggling before the fight began. They just didn’t handle it right. There should have been better communication. Cops know they have all the control.

I didn’t watch the trial. The way I move, it will take me 9 days to watch 9 hours.

No, Michele, you’re buying into the media narrative that he was some innocent little guy going about his life. He was high on fentanyl and was trying to steal from that store using counterfeit money. That doesn’t count as “not bothering anyone”.

Why would you watch it? The cop was found guilty, as was just. To me this is over.

Have you noticed nobody seems to give a damn about the 19 people killed during violent (but mostly peaceful lol) protests over George Floyd. They deserved to live, too, and didn’t know they were about to act out the last scenes of their lives.

I thought of Reg, as I just read that George floyd’s family met with Biden today. Possibly, to tell him how to do his job. We might not hear from them now after this. Maybe after sentencing.

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I’m not buying into anything. I was commenting on what he was doing in the video, standing, walking around or whatever else. I know he was on drugs. I know he was in the process of committing a crime. This is not about what he was doing as much as what the cop did to him and what he should have done for Floyd instead. Had any one of those cops been listening to him, they could have handled everything differently.

I wouldn’t. I have no plans to watch the trial when I can watch the event in 9 minutes and 28 seconds. Maybe we will review the event and Chauvin’s life behind bars during next years anniversary.

What 19 people?

I blame MSM. Had they been given the same coverage as George Floyd, I would know them by name.

they were probably classified as corona deaths