
It looks like George floyd’s family is going to get 27 million USD.

It is grotesque to me that having someone killed in your family can end up being the best day of your life.

his six year old daughter can still have better days
perhaps when a jury says you shouldn’t kneel on the neck of a hand-cuffed guy for 9 minutes
do you think the goldman family was wrong to file a civil suit against OJ?

also, fuck you

Are you a self loathing jew or just regular Lowerre?

A fair question. Yes, actually, I do. More specifically, I don’t think the system should allow such suits. I do not think that non-dependent family should benefit from the death of a family member. Dependent family should definitely be protected.

is the six year old gross?
i meant to type grotesque
is the six year old grotesque?
got it right that time

During the 2013 America’s Cup, Oracle Team USA, underwritten by billionaire Larry Ellison was rumoured to have spent around $200 million securing their eventual victory.
how many necks got knelt on for that?

find out just how racist you are

Interesting case, this.

It was strange. I don’t see it as racist but the world is changing so I suppose what is not racism is racism in today’s world.

It’s an interesting one. It’s obviously discrimination, but it seems justified to me. It’s like hiring someone of a certain race to play a movie part. Obviously you’re discriminating but race is part of the job so it’s justified. I would say it’s similar here.

Another interesting case.

The early immigrants lived in their own neighborhoods. Nothing to get legal about.

Maybe he felt racially violated or uncomfortable about his race.


He claims to be a sex addict and maybe this move will get him more sex that he likes. He looks like the mandarin in the green robe from iron man.

Some more pictures of the guy? Did he lose something or feel somebody else’s that was so traumatic he had to go on a shooting spree?

I watch for these types more carefully now.

This might be a naive question for the Americans here, but are these Asian “massage parlors” brothels?

Remember this? Check the guy out. I guarantee you it is an arms security issue with each.

So you’re saying when someone is hired to do a service, if you look at their skin color for a role, that’s discrimination?

That’s never been a problem when filling the role with thin women. Should we call that discrimination? What about putting attractive women in front of the camera? Is that discrimination too?

Yes, obviously it is discrimination. You are picking one race over another. That said, it is justified discrimination. Not all discrimination is forbidden.

I refuse to have sex with men. This is discriminating against half the world (the overwhelming majority of whom are surely quite happy to be thusly discriminated against in this case). My discrimination is justified and permitted however.

Similarly, hiring only black men to play Othello or white women to play Desdemona is only sensible. It is discrimination but it is justified discrimination.