Pit Bulls

Well I sent that to myself when I meant for that to go to thinki.

No, Nico, if the dog kills someone, it makes the dog the killer. The human may or may not be an accomplice, but the dog is the killer.

Nico, let’s try again for a straight answer: if a pit bull was born in the wild, and grew up never having seen a human, do you think that pit bull would kill other dogs for fun? I do. Cats do. They torture their prey. The only reason they aren’t monsters is that they are too weak to harm anything we care about (although they are monsters to mice and small birds and bugs).

So what is it, Nico? Would the pit bull raised in the wild kill other dogs for fun?

well if you want my short and straight answer then it would be no and you can skip the rest that i will type lol

if a pit bull was born and grew up in the wild without having any interaction with humans then to me it would be silly to call them a pit bull, since they would be more like a wild dog/hyena or wolf

while wolves do not kill for fun/sport, but only for food/survival/protection, a wild dog or hyena will definitely torture and kill for what you consider to be “fun”
i look at it more as “instinctual training behaviour” and cannot see it as some emotional and/or monstrous action since i dont believe animals can be held morally responsible for their behaviour

would these pit bulls raised in the wild be more like wolves or wild dogs?
that likely depends on upbringing by their parents, surroundings, interactions with other creatures and whatever happens to them while growing up

your turn, reg
 tell me your feelings on tommy the pitbull :wink:

Thank you for the apparently straight answer. I understood the short answer but when I read the rest it added confusion. Are you saying the animal we would have called a pit bull if raised as a pet would kill other dogs for fun, but we should not call it a pit bull anymore, and therefore the “pit bull” wouldn’t kill for sport but the “wolf” would? These being the same animal?

No, my memories and opinion of Tommy would not change at all. We all have some inferior genes in us. I personally have some Dutch genes and, while shameful, they do not define me. Tommy is obviously not predominantly a Pit Bull Terrier as anyone can see. His jawline and facial structure are totally different. If he has a few inferior genes in his bloodline, that changes nothing to me.

they are from the same origin so of course there are similarities between pets and wild animals but they are different creatures

a wolf (just like a badly or well raised pit pull) doesnt kill for fun/sport, but a hyena will do so

since we took in wild dogs as pets, they have been raised and trained to obey and please / protect their owner
a twisted human can indoctrinate and train a pit bull (or any dog) to become similar to that wild dog again and teach it to harm and kill others, but then it will only do so because it was ordered/indoctrinated to do so

excellent and interesting
 so basically for you what matters is how something looks and its whats on the outside that mainly determines if a creature is to be considered good or a monster?

Ok, I’m just going to ignore all of that semantically null word salad. Let me try again with fewer labels.

There’s a little pup who is born of two pit bulls in some disgusting hellhole, say Amsterdam. This pit pup is called, I dunno, Willem Alexander. Now the magic pit fairy comes down to earth, snatches little Willem Alexander immediately after he was born and drops him in the wild where he manages to survive and grow up into a fully grown animal. The magic pit fairy then flies back to earth in the wild and finds Willem Alexander and starts stalking him. Does she see Willem Alexander killing other animals for fun or not?

Please, Nico, a straight answer. Does she see Willem Alexander killing other animals for fun or not?

I didn’t say that at all. What is on the outside is entirely irrelevant on its own, but it is often indicative of what is on the inside. How do you tell the difference between a garter snake (a harmless North American snake) and a Black Mamba? We don’t care about the colour or size or head shape of a snake, but we use those eternal telltales to inform us of what kind of snake it is and of what we can expect of that snake.

lol@cute fairytale, the straight answer would have to be: it depends :wink:

if your question would include that willem alexander is still a pit bull then the answer would be no, thats not possible but since it didnt then the answer will have to be it depends

that pit puppy wouldnt survive in the wild by itself, so a lot of questions would have to be answered before a proper guess could be made:

how did it manage to survive? was it adopted by wild animals or some weird human living in the wilderness? or by wolves or hyenas? :wink: what are their surroundings like? what happened in their lives? do they come in contact with humans, are they attacked by other wild animals and how did the new parents of that puppy respond?

of course this whole what if fairytale is irrelevant since that puppy would no longer be a pit bull but a wild animal if it wasnt raised by humans

yes and sure it can be indicative of what is on the inside or not at all just like you and your sweet tommy the pit bull
(both of those snakes will only attack when threatened; treat them both with respect and all will be fine, just like with all animals)

you really should stop pretending to hate pit bulls
 its obvious that all you want to do is hug tommy the pit bull and all his brothers and sisters :wink:

The correct straight answer is yes, the vile pit bull would kill other dogs for fun. If Gunda’s Gracie had been alive near one, and the pit bull was unleashed, there is a very good chance he would have mauled Gracie to death in a second. And then Gunda would blame everyone but herself for her pit bull apologetics of the last many years.

And Tommy is not a pit bull, and I am not Dutch, and yes, I love dogs. Just not pit bulls.

thats just your fearful genes talking, you already stated it wouldnt matter if tommy was a pit bull, its ok
 let your dutch genes tell the truth, my brother :wink:

Does this mean you are against putting Tommy down?

Yes. I would physically defend Tommy if someone tried, but so would the entire village so Tommy will be fine, I am sure.

That doesn’t make sense, Reg. You said all pits should be put down. What’s different about Tommy?

Tommy isn’t a pit bull, Michele. Nico is talking nonsense as usual.

Yeah, but you said even if he was he didn’t look like a pit so you don’t apply that same fate for a dog that doesn’t look like a pit.

Nope. Not even close.

If Tommy was a pure-blooded pit bull, I would support his being neutered, which I support for all pit bulls, this being the way I propose to remove this species from existence. I do not support dog-nazi goon squads walking around shooting pit bulls. I just think they should be euthanized, which most animal-welfare advocates agree with, just for different reasons.

More stories about people who love pit bulls.

I didn’t watch your video, Nico, but those three dogs shown are not pit bulls. Did you enjoy my story above about people who love pit bulls? They appear to be intriguing people with varied interests.

if you click on it, it should go to almost the end of that clip with a very short update to a pit bull video that was posted a while ago

i guess i can enjoy that you could only find such an old story and am not surprised it was something that happened in america