
Michele, you are simply wrong. The cars in the left lane were doing the prevailing speed. They had no obligation to move over to allow the red truck to break the speed limit, which was obviously his intention. The behaviour of the red truck was asinine. Everyone else in the video was fine.

I’m not disagreeing with you. The truck acted in a completely irresponsible manner. That’s the difference here. I can see it from both sides, you can’t, and the car broke the law, first. Then the truck became enraged at the car for breaking the law so it acted and broke another law. Two wrongs don’t make it right but the car was wrong from the start.

The car did not break the law first, or ever. The car had a truck in front of him. Do you want him to hit the truck in front?


No. Absolutely not. I am not cruel that way, Reg. I would liked to have seen, in a perfect world, the car move into the right lane and let the truck pass.

The truck still wouldn’t have been able to pass.

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Ya, he would have, Dan. He could have sailed right on by. I don’t know how you can watch that video and then say that. What’s your logic?

Do you think he could have passed the vehicle in front of the black car in the same lane after the black car moved over?

We can’t possibly know that, Dan. I don’t know if that would be possible or not. That truck may have moved by the time the red truck caught up.

Yes we can know that. It is obvious Dan is right. Failing someone drastically slowing down to make room, there is no way the red truck could have passed the dark truck up front. Anyone can see that.

I don’t see that. You may have to draw me a picture because I don’t see that. The commentator stated that when the road cleared up the driver, who I will state here as a reminder had a baby in the truck demonstrating poor judgment, went for round 2. It’s not like there was so much traffic that other vehicles couldn’t get out of the way. By the time the red truck charged the car traffic was already thinning out enough for the black truck to move to the right lane.

I saw this and thought of you, Michele. lol.


Awww…that’s so me lol. When I saw this, I thought of you.

i guess that would be the opposite of school

palliative sleep
like what mybignancy did
without the 911 call
and it’s legal

Yeah I guess it would be more like learning.

Hi Bill. Hope you’re well.

Is this what you’re doing? Assisted death? If that is your choice, I wish you Godspeed, old friend.

I liked her. I don’t care if she wasn’t popular. And much of what she said turned out to be true.

at least she got rid of her sick thoughts now, may she rip