The shooter is 21. Another kid. New trend.
Odd. Fox News has a higher death count.
Maybe they finally caught up. Probably by watching CNN.
The Dayton killer was another kid. 24 years old. Here he is with his sister who he killed last night along with 8 others.
Well he’s dead now.
Yeah, and since his being killed quickly saved countless others, that’s a good thing. Still, he looks like a nice kid. I wish I could learn what caused him such turmoil that he did this. Underneath that normal looking exterior raged a tempest the likes of which I have never experienced.
I have a theory. Either he met Will or…
Or he felt he had an audience in 8chan and would be heard.
I seem to have a special place in Micheles heart.
That’s heartburn.
8chan just lost its hosting. Right now they’re down.
It was video games! Damn!
If we had only known.
I posted this in the other thread but I don’t want it to get lost there so I’m reposting it here.
There were 50 extremist killings in the US last year. Not 50 victims but 50 separate incidents. “Every one of the perpetrators had ties to at least one right-wing extremist movement, although one had recently switched to supporting Islamist extremism. White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of the killings, which is typically the case.”
Pause for a second and take that in. Not some. Not the majority. Every single one.
I guess an Ohio congresswoman blamed the killings on Obama, Colin Kaepernick, gays, and transgender. She is being asked to step down by her own party.
She should step down. Why would anyone think those killings were caused by the people and things you listed.
My guess is she is a bigot. I’m guessing she is really dumb for thinking that. Even dumber for saying it. I agree. When politicians use words that progress hate crimes, I think they should step down.
I’m thrilled to hear you say that. The Dayton, Ohio shooter was heavily influenced by the Left and their consistent words of hatred for the Right and our support of causes such as the right to life.