I haven’t heard anything like this. Proof?
Proof? Michele don’t need no stinkin’ proof.
I just read Dan’s link. I don’t see how that isn’t murder.
What do you think should be done with this woman?
She would need to financially compensate him probably for the rest of her life. She should have to pay him his mechanic pay for the rest of his life, half his house to him, as well as any other money lost from the divorce. I would probably scratch the jail time, since she will have to work 100 hours a week for the rest of her life. She probably wont have time to do this again.
Moral of the story. If you see a woman in distress that is a stranger, completely ignore her.
I’m glad for this guy that his ex wife left him. I wouldn’t take her back.
She needs to be given the same penalty a man is given for assault.
What is the penalty for assaulting a woman? Prison, lifelong financial compensation, half his house and any other monetary compensation from loss suffered?
West Africa is adopting a single currency.
This magazine is bias by failing to present it from a neutral position.
It begs the question, how do we stop the shootings? What avenue do we take if we don’t mentally evaluate people? What do you have to fear if you aren’t violent. I know what was in the article. I don’t believe every single thing I read. I’m sure there is another side, right? Is there another side, Will? Is there even any point in discussing it at all if your mind is made up that this administration, that supports gun rights, is trying to take your rights away? Unless you are violent or show violent tendencies, I don’t think you should be worried about it. If you are a vet and violent, you need your gun taken away. No one is picking on vets. Have a tissue* They are demanding we do something/anything while they scream we are doing nothing and then when we try to do something, they cry we are taking from them. You’re like a child that can never be satisfied or a millennial.
Michele, you post rwnj after rwnj, almost all of which fail simple fact checks, and you seriously complain this article isn’t neutral? lol.
The main issue for me is that the decisions to red flag a vet are being made by secret committees who do not consult or hear from the vet before they make a judgement. It’s a due process question. Personally I have nothing to fear as I have never exhibited that type of behavior.
These vets are not being red flagged to take their guns away. They are being targeted for such things as raising their voice in a clinic.
One I’m sure the Left will file the proper documents in federal court over.
I admit I rarely read the things you all post these days and when I do I usually gloss over them according to the way they are written.
““Red flag” laws are now all the rage in the Beltway as the magic pill to prevent homicidal maniacs from wreaking havoc on the nation.”
Here’s one from the Heritage Foundations rag. Right wing.
from the same article to save you some reading -
In 2013, the VA inspector general concluded that the bureaucracy “does not have a comprehensive definition of what constitutes disruptive behavior.”
In January 2018, a VA Office of Inspector General report found that large numbers of flagged veterans were being left in the dark about being placed on dangerous patient lists—with no recourse to remove phony flags or appeal in any meaningful way.
Despite rules requiring the Disruptive Behavior Committee to notify flagged patients of their status and informing them of their right to amend their reports, the Office of Inspector General found no evidence in 49% of electronic health records that the panels had provided such notice and disclosure.
In 25% of medical records reviewed, the Office of Inspector General “found no evidence that patients were informed they had the right to request to amend or appeal” special orders restricting care of flagged patients.
That shows, Michele. What you probably don’t realize is that you also almost never read your own articles that you link here, either. Almost always, if the link isn’t from a lunatic site (which it often is, sadly), I find that it doesn’t actually say what you claim.
I know you tell me that all the time.
I also know you believe in facts, not truth.
And it shows!
Not too many worse presidents over the last 50 years.