News Priorities

The Alec Baldwin case is on again for now.

And the armorer was found guilty today. Baldwin probably has better lawyers, though.

18 months sounds right.

I agree with this. Her lawyer was a joke.

Happy International Women’s Day!

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You can tell it’s female. She walks with an attitude.

It looks like hundreds of thousands more will starve to death.

Do you have any idea how many food processing plants have been destroyed in America in the last year or so? We are on the brink of a huge humanitarian crisis right here and all you can do is whine about how awful conditions are for any other dirty country around the world. I get really sick of reading that garbage. If you’re so concerned about the welfare of everyone else why do you surrender your hard earned money and go feed them. Can’t afford to? Why not? Don’t you earn enough to feed a poor country?

Don’t let this map fool you. It happens every day. They won’t stop until there is nothing left.

Just to touch on the numbers. In one clip, there were 93+ food processing plant fires.
Not to be doom and gloom but honestly, I believe the agenda is to starve us into submission.

I was just recently in your country. Starvation does not appear to be a problem there. I saw more obese people in that short trip than I’ve seen this year elsewhere. I really don’t understand why there is so much opposition to legislating healthy food. In Canada, we’re not even having the debate. Ban non-diet sodas. Ban french fries. I don’t care about anyone’s human right to be obese.

How many processing plants do you think we can afford to lose before there is a problem?

Well I think someone wants us to die.

Right to be obese? Are you on crack?

Lose them all, hopefully. Processed food is generally crap.

That’s exactly what I’m saying. I don’t care about the human rights of people who can’t control their eating habits. I say we should force people to be healthy. Call me a fascist, I don’t care.

That would be wonderful, Einstein, but they aren’t replacing that food with anything better or healthy.

Can’t control? That’s rich coming from a fat boy.

Incorrect. I didn’t whine about conditions. This news was bairly reported.

Yeah, I know but I needed a platform from which to whine and complain about the impending demise of our processing food plants and subsequent plan to feed us crickets so I took what I could get.

Fat? Seriously? This was 2 days ago. I am 185 lb. My XL shirt is at least a size too big.

Oh, I’m sorry. You completely misunderstood me. I was referring to the fat around your brain.