New World

yes right after you felt safe yourself the caring about others quickly stopped

No, Nico, it didn’t stop. It never started. I have never cared about the lunatic fringe and don’t care about them now.

you cared about them when you needed them to keep their distance and then get vaccinated and protect you

I would have been quite happy if they achieved those goals by dying. Does that count as caring?

yes it counts as caring for yourself

I’m pretty sure what I’ve been posting is not healthy at all although it might make a person want to run the other direction.

I posted that because I wanted to know what people thought about it. It didn’t look like a lightning strike to me but idk what it was. I’ll assume no one thought anything about it. Another day in the city I guess.

And I’m happy for you but if you weren’t shocked you must be conditioned to accept it as common practice.

I wasn’t sharing that garbage to make the world a better place. I posted it to bring awareness to what is taking place on our streets and I thought I posted the worst of the worst this morning until I opened Telegram tonight. Your mind can’t even imagine what I’ve been seeing. I’m not going to post any more of those videos.

Some fake news in Florida.

uhm no hence my reaction about being reminded not to open your links

i see
 some kind of weird “shock therapy”

lol oh my mind doesnt need to imagine, it knows what people are capable of (everything!)
i just choose to focus more on the nice things they are capable of, because you become what you surround yourself with

Oh so when you said behavior, you didn’t mean their behavior but mine?

No. Shocking as it was, no but label it any way you want.

uhm no when i mean your behaviour i will say your behaviour

perhaps iam mistaken but i thought you said you wanted to show (shock) horrible things to people in order to make a better world?

so yup i will label that as “shock therapy”, what would you call it?

lol seems like a big waste of time and a good way to “lower yourself” to me
 but ok, enjoy and good luck with that

I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

unfortunate but as i said: enjoy

So Trump failed, yes?

of course i do

Not at all, Reg. Trump was more successful on the day he announced his run for President than Biden has been in all his 40+ years holding a position of higher authority in government. That you can view his works and see a failure while simultaneously viewing the world as a better place under Biden is not just disturbing but also irritating considering how educated you are. If it weren’t for Trump we would still be in the dark. We would still not know what they do to control us. It is your choice to know but no matter how hard you try to resist, the evidence of rape, murder and blackmail will be inescapable. Of course, you will always have the choice to deny what you can’t unsee and when you’ve had enough, you can request I stop posting it and maybe I will or maybe I won’t but no matter what, you will see it so until you come to that realization I can only suggest you to turn your head or close your eyes when you see me coming.

Michele, I haven’t requested you stop posting it. Will has. I don’t care at all. Between Mark, you and now Bill, this place has always been filled with post-litter.

Will has called me every foul, disgusting, vile name in the book and you are going to leave his name out of your disgusting list of BBad litter? If I use his language would you take me off your cunt list?

I meant “litter” as in spamming of repetitive posts. I didn’t mean to suggest all other posts were of great quality. I tend to search Google News for “bestiality” every month or two and post whatever I find. I don’t pretend that’s high quality work.

Well I don’t know what you mean. Everything I’ve been posting has been new to me.