
Ok, without looking it up, I’d say a protestant is someone who follows one of the churches that separated from the Catholic church in the 16th century, led mainly by Martin Luther.

Those protestants that separated from the Catholic Church, have you ever heard them called protesting Catholics?

No because they’re not Catholics. You can be either Catholic or Protestant, not both.

I’d rather be neither.

That is also a valid option.

Perhaps they can marshal a vast military-style campaign with strength from the private global sector against countries burdened by debt.

Harry is going. How exciting.

Very funny. I searched high and low for an article on Prince Harry only to discover its Harry Styles and no politician has time for that.

They’re everywhere.

lol…I thought you were referring to Harry going to Ireland, which was the last post before your vague post that ended up shaving a full 15 minutes from time I planned on wasting later. Oh, well…I’m happy to know what you meant by that.

Someone copied this from Facebook. I’m sure it’s online somewhere. I thought it was a good article but maybe not. Either way, appropriate for Coronation day.

King Charles to be adorned in heavy priest-like golden robes for moment of crowning, a symbol of righteousness.
He will put on layer upon layer of glittering coronation vestments, inspired by priestly attire, in the middle of Westminster Abbey’s coronation theatre during the religious service. For the investiture, during which the crowning takes place, Charles will be given a long shimmering gold-sleeved coat to wear called the Supertunica.
Made of cloth of gold, which is silk thread wrapped in thin pieces of gold or silver gilt metal, the Supertunica, also known as the Close Pall of Cloth of Gold, weighs around 2kg and is embroidered with stylized arabesques and floral motifs. On top of the Supertunica will be placed a floor-length cloak called the Imperial Mantle – or Robe Royal – made for the King’s extravagant ancestor George IV in 1821.
The mantle is inspired by ancient coronation ensembles pertaining back to King Solomon and King David and its representation of priestly robes symbolizes the divine nature of kingship.
The Coronation Sword Belt from 1937, also known as the Coronation Girdle, is made of embroidered cloth of gold and has a gold buckle stamped with national emblems.It will be placed around Charles’ waist over the Supertunica and has a gold clip used for briefly attaching the jeweled Sword of Offering – symbolic of being able TO DECIDE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL – during the investiture.
He will also be given a Stole Royal – also known as the Coronation Stole – a long, narrow embroidered band of gold silk which goes around the shoulders on top of the Supertunica, mirroring outfits worn by a priest or a bishop.At the end of the entire service, the King takes off the priestly robes and changes into George VI’s purple Robe of Estate for his departure from the Abbey.The order of the garments the King will wear at his coronation are: The Robe of State, a simple white linen shirt for the anointing, the Colobium Sindonis, the Supertunica, Coronation Sword Belt, Stole Royal and Imperial Mantle (Robe Royal), and the Robe of Estate.

In European Christianity, the divine right of kings, divine right, or God’s mandation is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a monarchy. It stems from a specific metaphysical framework in which a monarch is, before birth, pre-ordained to inherit the crown, CHOSEN BY GOD and IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. According to this theory of political legitimacy, the subjects of the crown have actively (and not merely passively) turned over the metaphysical selection of the king’s soul – which will inhabit the body and rule them – to God. In this way, the “divine right” originates as a metaphysical act of humility and/or submission towards God. Divine right has been a key element of the legitimization of many absolute totalitarian monarchies.
Significantly, the doctrine asserts that a monarch IS NOT ACCOUNTABLE to any earthly authority (such as a parliament) because their RIGHT TO RULE IS DERIVED FROM DIVINE AUTHORITY. Thus, the monarch is not subject to the will of the people, of the aristocracy, or of any other estate of the realm. It follows that only divine authority can judge a monarch, and that any attempt to depose, dethrone or restrict their powers runs contrary to God’s will and may constitute a sacrilegious act. It is often expressed in the phrase by the Grace of God or its Latin equivalent, Dei Gratia, which has historically been attached to the titles of certain reigning monarchs. Note, however, that such accountability only to God does not per se make the monarch a sacred king.
Historically, many notions of rights have been authoritarian and hierarchical, with different people granted different rights and some having more rights than others. For instance, the right of a father to receive respect from his son did not indicate a right for the son to receive a return from that respect. Analogously, the divine right of kings, which permitted absolute power over subjects, provided few rights for the subjects themselves.[1]
The Imperial cult of ancient Rome identified Roman emperors and some members of their families with the “divinely sanctioned” authority (auctoritas) of the Roman State. The official offer of cultus to a living emperor acknowledged his office and rule as divinely approved and constitutional: his Principate should therefore demonstrate pious respect for traditional Republican deities and mores. Many of the rites, practices and status distinctions that characterized the cult to emperors were perpetuated in the theology and politics of the Christianised Empire.[3]
While the earliest references to kingship in Israel proclaim that "14 “When you come to the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you possess it and dwell in it and then say, ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me,’ 15 you may indeed set a king over you whom the Lord your God will choose. One from among your brothers you shall set as king over you. You may not put a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.” (Deut 17:14-15), significant debate on the legitimacy of kingship has persisted in Rabbinical judaism until Maimonides, though many mainstream currents continue to reject the notion. The controversy is highlighted by the instructions to the Israelites in the above-quoted passage, as well as the passages in 1 Samuel 8 and 12, concerning the dispute over kingship; and Perashat Shoftim.[4] It is from 1 Samuel 8 that the Jews receive mishpat ha-melech, the ius regium, or the law of kingship, and from this passage that Maimonides finally concludes that Judaism supports the institution of monarchy, stating that the Israelites had been given three commandments upon entering the land of Israel - to designate a king for themselves, to wipe out the memory of Amalek, and to build the Temple.[5] The debate has primarily centred around the problem of being told to “designate” a king, which some rabbinical sources have argued is an invocation against a divine right of kings, and a call to elect a leader, in opposition to a notion of a divine right. Other rabbinical arguments have put forward an idea that it is through the collective decision of the people that God’s will is made manifest, and that the king does therefore have a divine right - once appointed by the nation, he is God’s emissary.
Jewish law requires one to recite a special blessing upon seeing a monarch: “Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, Who has given from His glory to flesh and blood”.[6]
Baroness Gillian Merron, a Jewish peer and former Labour MP, will be presenting the Robe Royal to King Charles. The Robe Royal (also known as the Pallium Regale,[1] Imperial Mantle[2] or Dalmatic Robe[2]) is a robe worn by the British monarch when they are crowned at their coronation. It is donned just before the monarch is invested with the Orb, Ring and Sceptres.
The royal house of Britain lays claim to a fusion of the lines of Zerah and Judah’s other son Perez through his descendant King David. Because of intermarriage, the other royal houses of Europe are supposedly Davidic as well. Thus, the British throne is just a continuation of King David’s throne, or so they believe. Tracing the lineage of the British Royal Family using the Bible is supported by institutions such as the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. The society claims that the royal line began with King David and remains unbroken.
King Charles and the Globalists Set Meeting for September to Plot How to Accelerate Goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the Complete Digitization of Humanity!
A Declaration is to be Announced at COP28, Dubai.

After the coronation yesterday I spent a little time poring over the clips and brother, there are plenty to reflect on.
Being from the US, it’s only appropriate the first post be on our lovely First Lady, who proudly represents America and U.S. President Biden, in the cheap seats section.

Here she is again, replicating the always stunning and truly ravishing Melania Trump.

Ooops, my bad. She was actually representing our 51st state.

Which brings me to the carpet and an opportunity to acknowledge the late Queen….

…which, in the next clip, takes you to the ravishing new Queen whom the whole world loves, as long as she doesn’t open her big mouth. She’s a home-wrecker so I refuse to give her article any attention. If you decide to throw away 3 minutes of your life reading it, feel free to highlights the good parts here.

Charles has been privately anointed in the most sacred part of the Coronation and crowned your king.

This brings me to the traditional privilege the King and Queen bestow upon undeserving, useless eaters with their presence atop the balcony, where they have managed, quite eloquently, to elevate the noticeably absent Prince Harry to heavenly sainthood status.

Her crown looks bigger than his but he clearly has more jewels. Perhaps she has a bigger head that the sausage-fingered Charles.

It was a royal snub and cameras everywhere participated when given the opportunity to block him or produce the most unflattering images possible.

Overall, it was successful display of pomp and circumstance and his reign will undoubtedly be watched closely.

I only have one thing to post this morning but it’s old news now since it is dated March.

And it’s from the Guardian! Not some Telegram nut channel.

Reg, Telegram is not a news source. It’s a site where citizen journalists can post news, which gives the reader more to view that the mockingbird loop MSM has brainwashed us with. The Guardian shares in it, along with Gateway Pundit and many other sources for reliable news.

I feel sorry for Prince Harry. It’s clear that he has no privacy no matter where he goes. I have serious doubts that he even has privacy in his bathroom.

A guy who writes a book and tells us all about his penis, his brother’s penis, all the drugs he’s done including cocaine, and how he lost his virginity to an old woman behind a bar, is now complaining about his privacy. Boo hoo.

Where is your empathy?

This entitled redheaded prick signed off any claims to my empathy the day he accepted a hundred million dollars from Disney and a publisher to tell all in podcasts, interviews and books. You don’t get to tell all about your penis, your brother’s penis, your mother, her lovers, your drug use, your sex acts, how many people you killed in Afghanistan, and all kinds of others sludge, then whine about how the press is watching you all the time. Pick one. Live a quiet upper middle class life and enjoy your privacy, or be a rich and famous celebrity and accept the press coverage. He made his choice. Now he’s whining about it. He has the right to whine. He doesn’t have any right to me giving a shit.