
What truth am I denying, Michele? She did make very specific allegations against Deshowitz that she was forced to have sex with him at least six times over a three year period at two very specific locations. She now admits that might not have happened.

Not you, silly. Andrew denied the truth that everyone knows. His denial makes her a liar.

I don’t pretend to understand this or why she changed her story but she’s being advised by a male lawyer that could have confused and influenced her to make that statement. Or maybe she was just mistaken on who her traffickers were hooking her up with. Or maybe it’s exactly as you think, that she just made up a humiliating story to destroy men she doesn’t know for money.

Harry is now boasting about how many men he killed. What a piece of shit.

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Boasting or confessing? He said he wasn’t proud or embarrassed so I don’t think he was boasting at all. Interesting read though.

The Aussies are replacing the monarchy on their new $5 bill. Americans probably don’t see how significant this is, but we do in Canada. You see the stupid monarch every time you pay for something in cash (which thankfully isn’t that common anymore). Getting rid of him there is a great move.

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They should put dingos and emus on them.

Or a picture of Kevin Rudd eating his ear wax. Google it if you want to see it. I’m not going to post the video as it grosses me out.

Eating earwax?

lol for aussies its the same as eating vegemite

I Googled. Gross.

For 99% of Americans, it’s the same as eating chicken.

cant view it outside telegram and i wont sign up for that crap but i do like the title “question everything”
you should question yourself and your blind faith in your imaginary god

You should go change your pull ups and switch tits.

not sure how i could change pull ups…
(Pull-up (exercise) - Wikipedia)
but i do switch tits now and then by dating another girl :wink:

I don’t want to hear about it, whoremaker.

lol dont worry… you can grow a penis on your arm and do the same!

King Charles is going to do things that answer the cries of Republicans and Conservatives. We probably need to watch him.

I get that feeling, too. I just doubt his reign will be as stable as Elizabeth’s.

I agree. He has been corrupted by a higher degree of education.

Reg, how would you define the word “Protestant”?

Hey!! Who is awake at this hour? Dan? This is actually a really great question for an Italian.
Don’t panic.
I’m not going to pick on the Catholic Church. I’m going to pick on the Protestant church. As a side note here, I noticed that Catholic Church was automatically capitalized while church Protestant church was not. Is that because there’s no such church?