
So it’s not really a military oath, is it Will? It’s really something you’ve just drank to the deepest part of your mind.

Yes, it was military and beyond and that completes my discussion of this topic. Good night.

Good night, Will!:revolving_hearts:

Wait! It’s only 9 o’clock there. Let’s change the subject, ok?

I can’t find any oath besides the Oath of Enlistment. To take a page from your book. This is not going to go away.

If you haven’t noticed, Michele has been getting progressively more psychotic. She has been obsessive and tormenting in her condition of defeat. She is constantly shifting from half truths to lies. Her character is getting annoying and demanding institutionalization. Basically she is turning into the Joker even now with her making concentrated and dangerous mind altering concoctions and convincing people it is ok and will improve performance. Tractors, bailing hay, sledgehammers, socializing with strangers and what now…work and driving?

Be wary of her.

No driving for me. I wrecked my car 3 days after the beginning of my meltdown lol

Actually that’s not true. I do have a rental.

The Joker looks like a made up ice cream sundae. Here you keep mentioning your meltdowns. You sound desperate and dangerous. I don’t trust you JOKER.

That’s because you don’t know me.

Nice…a contingency plan.

You ready to talk to me?

Tell ya what, I’m going to go make myself another drink. You think about it.

Is your plan to clam up like Will?

Still waking up at 3 am? Yeah, I always notice the timing of your messages.

Ask Lydia.

Who is Lydia?

Were you drunk?

Does drinking help cope with things you can’t stop thinking about?

Did you try the FECO last night?