Love and death

Catholics have the most impressive churches.

As I recall, Michele was kicked out of her church. I don’t think it was that fancy.

Beautiful church

What are you praying for?

Catholics really do have nice churches. Their services are usually long, boring and mean.

A new tee shirt.

I never really thought of it as praying but I guess it was in a way. I meet the anaesthesiologist tomorrow for my surgery and I will probably get cut by the end of next week. I realize this isn’t very manly of me but I’m terrified. Hopefully the surgery will either be a total success or I will die. It’s the in-between options I’m most afraid of.

If all goes well, I get to do it again in a few weeks.

And yes, if I make it through all of this, I will buy myself a smaller shirt.

Everything will be ok.
By the end of the week? Isn’t it tu cumpleaños? :birthday:

The 26th. Good chance I will be getting my second surgery right around then. Fingers crossed.

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Greetings Reg. After finding that my account was deleted, I finally decided to “rejoin” but primarily to see how you were doing, as very few others around here ever acknowledged my presence much. This talk of surgery and the woes of what appears to be an unstable marriage are not especially encouraging. Hang in there brother…as Sartre once said, “Hell is other people” and a marriage is the surest way to experience proof of concept.

I don’t know who you are or why your account was deleted. I have no objection to your being here under those circumstances.

Matt, it irritates me that you still look that young.

Funny. Although, judging what I have seen from American Evangelical tv channel, they don‘t differ at all from Catholic messages regarding meanness. But both are nearly kind and tolerant compared to the Islamic preaching I have watched yet. Never listened to a Rabbi, but heard an ultraorthodox man and woman settler speak and wish to be able to put them into a sack with two Muslim extremists and let them all kill each other.

Many Orthodox Jews reject Zionism. I respect that, although the rest of their beliefs are generally silly.

You lie about me and then wonder about my reaction — only to lie again? Why should I even waste a second of my time to feel empathy for your bad health and married-to-get-visa situation. Cry me a river. :roll_eyes:

And yet, the rest of their silly belief doesn‘t bother you if it comes handy to support any other goal of you. And the parts which don‘t support your goals, get ridiculed. How flexible you are.

You go, girl. Boil that bunny.

Just on the topic of religion … I was brought up by two crazy atheist communists, banned from attending religion instruction, banned from school assembly and so on. Yet religion has dictated my most important decisions and forced me into legalising partnerships on each occasion! Two of which was with the threat of jail.
And the dumb thing is it took a friend to point that out, lol. Am not saying I wouldn’t have ever legalised, but
the Catholics and Muslims won, I lost … lol
I doubt I will never believe in organised religion and come to that God. If I am wrong I hope he helps you Reg, and the church architecture looked nice.

I wonder which of us had it better (or worse). At this point I think might have traded with you.
I was raised as a southern baptist by a father who enjoyed not sparing the rod. I finally rebelled at 16 and refused to go to church. My father eventually did too but I guess the not sparing the rod part was well established in him. Finally left at 17 to join the navy.

I missed out on indoctrination, but not other shit Will, so we possibly come out same same. I had the privilege of not wondering what I’d done to upset god though, lol

It wasn’t god I was worried about. lol. My biggest regret is not beating his ass before he died. But he did suffer a long and painful death, so I feel a little better.

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