Love and death

For forcing us to pay the highest premiums for the shittiest insurance.
Thanks Trump for bailing us out of that one. We owe you!

Irritability is a sign of aging.

So is uncontrollable flatulence. What’s your point?

this is so modern, i’m overwhelmed

Can’t believe Mybigmoon doesnt remember me… was the only one not calling me bimbo 10 years ago.

Reg, does Isa come here?

nothing has change… hey Mark!

Lol If I were Mark I would exit this world with Reg and Will because they are ready to go.

My name is Michele. Nice to meet you.

Welcome back Ferni. My memory is not what it once was. Stick around and enjoy the desperation of people eager to be right. Maybe Mark, Reg and I could share a villa in that dreadful last stop that Julie visited before we die.

If you were Mark you might make more sense.

God no. We all need a private place where we can bitch about the spouse. She has hers and this is mine.

If I made sense you wouldn’t understand me.

Lol. Hi Ferni!

Hey Nick!

I wonder, now that i’m here, if Jen has 10 babies now, or if Missy won a nobel prize, or maybe Bob met her and they got married in New York.

Anyone knows about Lee?

I miss those rooftop days :slight_smile:

Don’t know. I’m not in touch with any of them. Last time I saw Lee, he was doing badly. Hopefully he’s doing better now but I don’t have any information. I know Adam is doing ok. Two kids now. He complains a lot but he doesn’t appear to be suicidal so I call that a win. Darryl left a cryptic message about disappearing and then, to his credit, he did. Most people who talk about disappearing never do. Pete drops by once a year, which is nice, actually. Good to know he’s still alive. Gunda comes to post music and occasionally boil a bunny or two. She still hates you, mostly because I didn’t. Julie disappeared but reappeared the other day. She seems fine although she’s posting photos of some place that looks like hell on earth. Hopefully she doesn’t live there. I’m having one of the worst years of my life but that means next year will likely be an improvement.

How are you?

As long as you can still lie, you aren’t suffering enough. I never hated Ferni. I gave her names, yes, but only after she started with it. You were an old sack compared to her and you knew she was desperate. If you really wanted to help her without hoping to saturate your minor league pedophile fantasies, you simply would have helped her to stay with her parents or to get an apartment nearby, to have the help of her family when being a mother, till she managed to find her way. To drag her out of her save environment in her pregnant and desperate condition was just stupid, immature and the selfish act of an egomaniac. This was my opinion back then and is today. That’s not bunny boiling and has also nothing to do with feeling hate towards Ferni.

Wow, you get osteomyelitis? You have had a rough time, I’ve seen enough diabetic ulcers to imagine what you have been through. Hope all goes well in the future.
Was good to see Ferni in here.
I have been to Perth a few times for work and likely be there again soon, I often think about Pete when I’m over there. God forbid I ever see him, lol


He got a little quiet before he left. I am guessing he had some stresses in life, as we all do. Hopefully all is well now.

Indeed. No complaints. I am quite lucky as I see it. Thank Zoroaster for modern antibiotics or I would have a stump where my foot is. If my marriage falls apart, at least I’ve had the four best years of my life pissing off to South America and living the experience as a local, not as a tourist. You did the same in the desert and, doing it that way, you get to know and understand a place at a level no tourist ever will. Business and money are ok. Really, no complaints at all.

I am in church right now. In Medellin. Posting on Bbad.

Is there thunder and lightening outside?

No. Beautiful day. God didn’t visit me in his house, though.