
Jerry Reisman, an attorney for about three dozen Madoff victims, said he’d spoken to several after Madoff’s death.

“Some of them are saying they’re enjoying this day,” he said. “No one sees this as a great loss. No one is going to mourn Bernie Madoff. They are happy they have survived him.”

surprise! that could be the best thing that ever happened to you;)

take good care, make sure to rest where you can and try to enjoy

(ps hide and lock up your drugs in a high place or you will really experience chaos lol)

It could be and I hope it is. I can tell you that in my 30s I would stay up at night wishing I had children and at 55 I stay up at night being grateful that I don’t. The maternal/paternal instinct fades as you age. Now I just want to die comfortably and if the human race dies soon after that, I don’t care much. It is headed in a direction that will make it unrecognizable to me anyway.

Yes Reggie, you have learned. The website is yours and we are all here as your guests, but your life is not your own and expired some time ago.

Small parts of my life expire every day. I am less hungry than I once was. When I’m not hungry at all, it will be time to die. As long as my health is decent and there are some things I still enjoy doing (which is hunger of a sort), I hope to live.

I send good thoughts to anyone going through anything difficult. Which is pretty much everyone.

Not too much drama here. Going to pompano beach next week. Getting some trees cut at home. At the place I got new tires less than 2 months ago. One of them is flat now.

The last of it. Wish I used it all on my shins.

Is that excrement, Mark?

It’s gold.

Sometimes it’s worth it. If you want to know what brand I use that stays in and how to get best results you can send a message or ask here. Also the best techniques to get the most out of it.
We can start our own hair club, but if I want to go past the current life level or doll hair as an individual, nobody sets the level limit. Keep it on your shoulders.

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Life is worth dyeing for. There are things that prevent the skin stains, but those come off after a few days with some lotion or Vaseline. The dye however won’t as most others do but you really have to bubble brew. And prepared to look fake and don’t trust your pictures. Looks can transition in seconds.
This has to look like molten glass and asphalt just to improve the final result above fake and lifeless. Gains are minute per effort.
But that’s the problem with averaging.
This might make you sick.
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You did no such thing.

At my age, that is not the best thing for me or them. I’m part of the problem, according to DHS, because I knew about their drinking and drugging and didn’t turn them in to authorities.

Mark. Please go back to posting pictures of vile food.


Whatever, I need a hair product with some real hold. More pressure.

You better put me back on ignore.

Have you tried gorilla glue?

All the best thoughts and wishes for you and your family, Michele!

Is that all you have to say about that? Is that your prescription for life, whatever? Sit idle and watch…ermmm life slipping away?

Thank you, Gunda.