
I wonder how long they think the Ben Gurion Canal would last. What a smart idea. You’re surrounded by enemies, so create a nice, convenient target your enemies can destroy quite easily (one ship with a few tons of explosives should be enough) and then ask the US for more money when they do.

Ahh, thank you for reminding me that Israeli is surrounded by enemies. Sometimes I forget.
But I do not understand your thinking. There are canals all over the world and how many of them have been destroyed? I’ll save you the time it takes to Google it and tell you, none. The only threat to a canal anywhere is in Egypt and they have only received threats, which is a very good reason to build a canal in Israel. Having said that, I do get it. Israel’s enemies live for destruction and would love nothing more if they could destroy all things Israel, which begs the question, why does the subject of the canal keep coming up in the news. Why would you build a canal you know will be destroyed. I know you can’t provide me with a valid answer here so I don’t mind sharing with you that Israel’s enemies will not destroy what Israel builds or the Egyptian Pyramids would already have been destroyed. I would just add that the only thing on the agenda to be destroyed is that dome occupying the Temple Mount.

Israel’s attempt to extend an olive branch to Palestinians will probably be viewed as a play to genocide them after they are moved but I think it’s the best statement Israel can make to demonstrate their goal to preserve the lives of all Palestinians. I support it.

True! Because that’s exactly what it is.

Then why is israel making the suggestion to move them to an island where the whole world can eternally contribute to their survival?

Fair point. I have complained about the use of the word “genocide” to include such things as cultural repression or geographic displacement, so it would be intellectually dishonest for me to do it now. This is not a systematic murder of all Palestinians. It is, however, a clear effort to remove all Palestinians from their ancestral homeland.

You are probably right. I wonder if Israel whined like that when they were moved.

I’m sorry, when was Israel moved again? I saw them deport Palestinians in 1948, 1967 and 2023/2024. I’m not aware of them moving in the last thousand years.

I have always loved Charlotte Church. I suddenly love her much more.

God that was brilliant. The music, I mean. Well, both actually.

720 B.C.E. II Kings 17: 7-17

Does it not count if it wasn’t contemporaneous?

What is your point?

Just wanted to point something out about whose ancestral homeland it is.

Half-hearted at best! It does demonstrate that the Palestinians have not been under Jewish rule as long as Israel was so I appreciate the effort.

Israel thinks it is wrong to prevent starvation, now. God how disgusting.

South Africa’s request is disgusting. Gaza has been provided food on a floating barge. IMO, until they justify their merciless genocide on Israel, they deserve nothing more.

The U.N. has unanimously voted on a cease fire until the Muslim holy days are over but I just don’t believe they will honor the resolution.

Edit: I just read another article that states Israel will not heed the resolution so I guess this isn’t really about saving Israeli hostages.

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Michele, even your Obese Orange God has come out against Israel.

I haven’t finished reading the article but the first line was enough for me.

*Former US President Donald Trump has warned that Israel is “losing a lot of support”

I wasn’t aware israel had any support but whatever.

Trump called Israel’s wholesale destruction of civilian homes in Gaza “a very big mistake.”

“It’s a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this…every night, I would watch buildings pour down on people,” Trump continued.