

So Israel gets a UN inquiry into sexual violence against Israelis. Good. I agree with that.

When do the Palestinians get their inquiry?

They don’t. Palestine did nothing wrong.

I think you misread. There are literally hundreds and perhaps thousands of credible allegations of sexual violence committed by IDF soldiers against Palestinian women. Many of us want an inquiry on that.

Perhaps you misworded it.

Isn’t the UN doing their due diligence and looking in to it?

Not yet. We’re hoping.

Geez, I hope the IDF doesn’t punish them too severely. I mean, doesn’t this look like an accident?

Savages over there. No doubt about it. It’s funny to hear mostly democrats ask for a cease fire and support sending money to Israel. I would think not sending military money to israel would make it more difficult to prolong war.

I would think sending food to Hamas would prolong the war.

The overwhelming consensus in Israel is to either genocide or enslave the Palestinians in Gaza, placing them totally under Jewish rule. The overwhelming consensus in Palestine is to genocide or deport the Jews. Neither side is particularly nice to talk to. So what? One side is successfully engaging in genocide and the other is not. That’s what matters. Not their wishes.

Anwar said something sensible for a change.

It does seem contradictory but it’s not. It’s really all in how you look at it. America doesn’t support a ceasefire, anywhere. They support weapons and ammo to Ukraine, food and medicine to Hamas.

And weapons to Israel. Disgusting.

Biden has to build a floating pier to deliver food because his last food drop killed a bunch of people.

Biden should stop funding the Israeli death machine and perhaps such aid would not be needed.

Well, they can’t very well launder money without reason, which comes back to the U.S. to build more weapons. Bidenomics is amazingly lucrative for America.

But Israel needs to build a canal so ships can pass, Reg. You’re not thinking far enough into the future.