
No. Hell doesn’t exist, Michele. It is a childish fantasy created by primitive people to control other primitive people.

I doubt the mainstream media will cover this. They are so totally owned.

RT covered it. I’m not seeing much elsewhere.

EDIT: The CBC is covering it.

Here’s the guy who did it. Aaron Bushnell said he would “no longer be complicit in genocide”, then yelled Free Palestine over and over again as the flames engulfed him. Rest in peace, my brother. From the River to the Sea.


lol it’s yesterdays news. The idiot a dead. I doubt you’ll see anything else about this subject ever again.

That’s a relief. For a minute there I thought life had purpose.

It might. If it does, I am pretty sure that purpose is not sycophantic bootlicking of an insecure deity.

That’s mean, Reggie. I gave up bootlicking in 2016 but I think it’s funny that you see a god in our future.

How exactly did you get “Reggie sees a god in our future” from “It might. If it does, I am pretty sure that purpose is not sycophantic bootlicking of an insecure deity.”?

I didn’t notice any changes. You seem to have kissed a lot of stinky orange ass since then.

Your deity wins Michigan by 66%. That may improve since Miss Nikki rates better than your bootlicking buddy, Biden. No question!

I don’t know why my posts confuse you, Reg. Do I just not speak clear English like everyone else or does my Right-wing political affiliation cause you to read everything I say wrong?

Let’s review.
I said, I thought life had purpose.
You said: that purpose is not sycophantic bootlicking of an insecure deity

Now when I read that, considering that you are referring to the only real qualified candidate running in our election, all I hear you saying is that I lick the boots of a man I worship as God. I’m not sure why you think that way. Trump is not a deity to me or anyone else that I know. He’s highly intelligent, honest and he truly cares about this country. He has earned trust of the American people and he will be our future president as the primaries and caucuses indicate. If you can’t understand that, you probably suffer from tunnel vision and must live in a self-absorbed bubble.

Ok, now I understand. No, Michele, when I said “that purpose is not sycophantic bootlicking of an insecure deity”, I was referring to Yaweh of the Bible. I reject the entire premise of the Bible which states that you can be a horrible person all your life, repent on your deathbed, accept Yaweh and his son Christ, and go to heaven. I was not even remotely thinking of Trump.

Then you should have been clearer about who you were talking about.

Yeshua? Our Savior? Insecure?

Why? (Do you understand what I’m saying here or is my spiritual belief confusing you?)


Why do I reject it? Because it seems like a stupid system to me. If someone lives a perfect life, helps the poor, cures cancer, and gives all his money to charity, but he sinned just before he died and did not repent, he goes to hell. If someone leads a crap life, but repents before they die, they go to heaven. Silly system.

EDIT: I’m falling asleep. Responses may be slow (like in the morning).

Where does it say that?

It’s not one verse, Michele. It’s the whole premise of the book. Accept Christ and no matter what sins you’ve committed, you get a backstage pass to heaven.

You suffer loss with sin.

Go to bed.

Now the Israelis are bombing aid convoys. Subhuman behaviour.