
If a terrorist uses civilians as human shields, they are going to die and Israel has a right to kill anyone hiding a terrorist.

Okay, let’s redefine it then. What do you want to call it when you have the right to kill an attacker?

If they were attacking government buildings I could see your bizarre point. They are attacking the state or sovereignty of the nation in that case and that would be against themselves but Hamas doesn’t attack concrete. They attack flesh and blood. They use barbaric methods to kill their neighbor demonstrating death of another means nothing to them.

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If a criminal in the US hid in your house, would be ok for the US government to bomb your house, killing you and your family?

I call that the right to kill an attacker. That needs to be proportional, and without excessive collateral damage.

Reg, you’re overdramatizing the scenario. Our government would never bomb our homes over criminals although they certainly have every right to search it if warranted. Having said that, if I hid terrorists in my home for the purpose of allowing them regroup for an attack on Kansas, yes, my home should be bombed and everyone in it should die.

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I’m not overdramatizing anything. That’s exactly what Israel is doing.

I didn’t ask that, although your answer to that is interesting and nutty. I asked if a criminal hid in your house, would be ok for the US government to bomb your house, killing you and your family?

Are you saying Hamas is hiding in homes where the owners are unaware of their presence? Or are you saying the Palestinians are being held hostage by the very same government they voted in? That seems uhhh…nutty.

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I am saying if Hamas operatives hide in a hospital room, that doesn’t give the Israelis the right to bomb that hotel. I note you dodged my question.

That wasn’t a problem when Hamas barged into homes and started firing indiscriminately at innocent civilians. It wasn’t a problem when Hamas set an old and infirm woman on fire in her own bed.

I assumed that was okay since you dodged mine.

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It occurs to me that the mass murder of 1400 Israelis, while seemingly senseless, may well have been a brilliant tactical move. If you had said to Palestinians a year ago, “we have 5 million people and getting our own state will cost us half a million dead”, almost all would have agreed to the deal. They’re going to get their own state with less than a tenth of that dead. It will take another 10 years but it approaches certainty to me.

Reg, I’ve read this over and over and I can’t make sense of what you’re saying beyond the fact that you think it’s a good idea to divide the land.

I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
–Joel 3:2
This is how close we are to the return of Christ.

I’m not trying to sounds preachy. I just don’t believe in a too state solution.

I am saying that the mass murder of 1400 innocent Israelis, as disgusting as it was, may have been a good tactical move and may achieve the Palestinian objective of having their own nation, not under Israeli control.

If this doesn’t make your blood boil, you aren’t totally human.

I doubt knowing this will change anything. Just imagine the power they gain from spying on your phone but our government wants to criminally charge Assange for exposing wrongdoing.

It pains me to see Putin on the right side of history on this issue.

First Putin, now China. This is shameful that they are on the right side of history and we are not.

No they aren’t. What’s shameful about it? Nevermind…I don’t care what you think is shameful nor do I think you even have that kind of insight. China can supply the Palestinians with weapons but Israel is not going to allow Hamas to get away with that terror attack, nor should they. The majority of Palestinians celebrated when Hamas attacked israel.

Anyone who types “blame Hamas” should be starved to death.

That would be a cruel death, Reg, and a harsh judgment for a good purpose. Would you approve their burn in Hell for causing this tragic death?