Interesting New Tech

No! I was just doing like you and thinking out loud about stupid things I want.

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We continue to disagree and I will not devote that much time searching just to prove you wrong. I would find it disagreeable.

There are many expensive and enticing toys out their but in the end they are just toys. I like corvettes but when I want to drive one I rent it. You can rent most anything these days.

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It never stopped you in the past.

Buy cheap and rent expensive. I may try that someday.

Does this mean you live in a dump but you rent the nicest suite in hotels?

My chair wasn’t cheap.

My truck wan’t cheap. My guitar wasn’t cheap.

I live in a modest house but it’s not a dump. I don’t waste money on fancy hotel rooms.

But you just said…

A boat, an airplane, a sports car, a parasail ride, a sailboat . .etc. Not a hotel room.

Why an expensive guitar you aren’t will to use to make a living with but a cheap boat you could drown in?

This is true, and seeking happiness in toys is a fool’s errand.

I like clean, well located hotels. This can usually be achieved for $100/night. People who spend $2000/night or more on a hotel are poseurs.

Good point and noted. He should have to answer the question since he made such a stupid comment.

I don’t own a cheap boat. What are you talking about?

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Was that the question? Sorry, watching a movie (Joker).

I actually saw that. Well, I was there while my woman watched it. I napped through most of it. That said, I did enjoy the message, which I took as, “Kill the rich”. Not metaphorically. I mean the film advocated killing them dead.

Yes, not too far into it yet but you (at least) I can empathize with the poor bastard some.

For Michelle -

I have a fixed income. The guitar was 2 months income. If something is important to me I try to buy the best I can. A clean respectable hotel/motel room is not expensive but a luxury suite just doesn’t make sense to me. I probably worded what I said poorly. Something like a boat would be impossible for me to maintain let alone pay for and I wouldn’t want a crappy boat.

Because it brings me joy.


I think it’s important to draw the distinction between quality (which I appreciate) and ostentatiousness (which I don’t). I like all kinds of things, from useful devices like cars and cameras and computers, to semi-useful devices like watches, to entirely useless devices like boats. In all cases, you can buy cheap and get garbage, pay more and get quality, and then there’s a always a selection for people with too much money which is absurdly priced and often inferior to the middle group. Million dollar cars, $25k cameras, $100k watches and so on.

If a person is rich and a $100k watch gives him pleasure, I have no quarrel with him buying it, but it gives me pleasure to think he’s an ostentatious tool and I do. My favourites are the guys who buy 6 million dollar Bugatti Divos and then drive them at whatever speed the blue haired old lady in front of them hogging the fast lane is going. Or guys in Lamborghinis who do this.