Interesting Case

Even Trevor?

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This case is quite common at the core. The details change each time but the theme is the same: some guy abuses women and eventually they kill him. Iā€™d let them go.

Another police state case. Father points out mother is a danger to the child in custody hearing. Judge rules in favour of mother. Child dies in motherā€™s custody. Father posts rude but non-threatening things on social media. Father gets thrown in jail on 500k bond.

Now this is an interesting case. I wonder what the truth is. Reposting in the correct thread.

Iā€™ve heard of a similar case where the kid was actually an adult.

I donā€™t know the truth but I have huge sympathy for parents who have to raise psycho children.

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Falwell was a nut (the old fat one) and his son (the thin one) is even crazier.

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Yeah welcome, now fuck off. Spam

I deleted/banned him.

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Who is at fault?


The first car crossed the line when he pulled out but it appears the second car was speeding.

I donā€™t know why people care about her. Rich entitled bimbo of no merit. Worse than the bloody British royals.

I donā€™t know that people care about her. I guess they know who she is. Schadenfreude maybe.

Sheā€™s a leftist who got caught. Iā€™m surprised you arenā€™t more sympathetic to her predicament.

When a left wing person breaks the law I feel no sympathy for them unlike you and all the right wing traitors.

I agree totally with this. If someone does something wrong, I donā€™t think to myself ā€œthat person shares my political opinions so I hope they get away with itā€. And yet many right-wingers do think exactly that, especially re: Trump.

And yet, with all the right Trump has done for our economy, you still manage to reject his agenda because it doesnā€™t reflect your own political opinion.