Interesting Case

The only agenda trump has is trump.

Trump hasnā€™t done jack for your economy other than balloon your national debt. Here is an article proving clearly that economic growth, jobs, unemployment and even the stock market performed better under Obama than Trump.

He is spoiled little rich kid who used other peoples money then refused to repay them. Nothing has changed.

I believe all people should have the right to kill themselves but to relentlessly encourage someone to do so is seriously sick.

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Agreed. Although Iā€™m not sure what should be done. She seems dangerous and I always look at prison time as if, is this person a danger? That would be a yes, so I donā€™t have a problem with it, but Iā€™d make a horrible lawyer for the prosecution.

Thatā€™s funny, Dan since Iā€™ve never once heard you encourage prison for anyone.

I agree. Seriously sick. In this country it has the potential to be contagious.

Do you think she should be jailed? She could be banned from the usa but that doesnā€™t help the people in her own country.

I would totally kick her out of your country. It may impress upon her the gravity of what she did and, if not, it at least serves some punitive purpose while protecting the country she committed the crime in.

I say put her in prison and throw away the key. Seriously, she is sick and shouldnā€™t be allowed in society. Iā€™m sure she would find a way to adjust to confinement. Maybe the other inmates can teach her a thing or two about what is acceptable encouragement.

I would only add *willing prisoners as I type this on my phone.

Awesome, Reg. Anything you can add that will better complete my thought is satisfactory to me, regardless how infinitesimal the verbal contribution may be. I certainly hope I can return the measure upon you.

Now you have the right attitude.

Yeah, sometimes, the tiniest things can have the greatest impact.

This is an interesting case in a different way. One of the guys who heroically subdued the terrorist on London Bridge was himself convicted of murder in the past. The link isnā€™t working normally so I will quote the summary here and link below.

London Bridge attack: ā€˜He said he was waiting for the policeā€™

John Crilly is one of the men who fought Usman Khan on London Bridge after he attacked two people at an event at Fishmongerā€™s Hall.

Crilly - who was jailed for murder after a burglary went wrong, but later released following changes in the law on joint enterprise - was seen pursuing Khan with a fire extinguisher.

Watch this exclusive interview by BBC legal correspondent Clive Coleman.

Direct Link Here

That has to be a criminal charge. Disgusting. The guy is in his own car, was carjacked, gets his car back, and then gets killed by cops. Merry Christmas.

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Why did he elude twice and why didnā€™t he notify authorities when his vehicle was returned to him? And isnā€™t it suspicious when a thief returns your possessions? There are a lot of unanswered questions here. But first letā€™s focus on why those authorities treated him like a common criminal. Letā€™s hope the law holds the law responsible, right?