Interesting Case

No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton is a 1999 book about Bill Clinton by author and journalist Christopher Hitchens.

Whats you say.

You have an agenda? Who didn’t expect that.

I suppose this is where i should bow down and pay homage.

Oh, afraid you will miss a less than entertaining degradation of the opposite sex in real time?

Whoever you were talking about.

That explains why you call yourself the uhhh…new jesus.

Im not sure that I mean either. Let me try again. Do you think we are moving toward a place where time doesn’t exist, at all?
Do you think there is going to be a financial collapse?

Not by much.

You all share cam videos when you mock people?

That’s almost laughable. You don’t care about your own self.

I actually don’t act that way in real life. Doesn’t matter. I’m a psychopath, among many, many, many other useless things.
Do you believe God wants you to pretend He doesn’t exist after he created you?

uhm no thank you… i would find that insulting
i think the only reason a man or woman should ever bow down to someone is to sexually please someone

i wasnt talking about “they”, you were when you said:

uhm no, somehow that doesnt entertain me
then again i dont even believe (typed) words can degrade anyone, only the individual themselves can do that

i did no such thing and that wouldnt make any sense since iam much better than your jesus… iam real and your jesus is one of your imaginary creatures

time is just a concept created by humans to make things easier for themselves, it never really existed in the first place

there have been many financial collapses and there will be many more

you would have to ask “you all”, but personally i dont even have a cam

lol i dont? thats new to me, since i care quite a lot about myself

strange, then why do you act this way here? do you think reg has some kind of secret powershield and made this a place that your god cannot observe?

why do you do that? does that make you feel better?

i do not believe gods exist outside the imagination of delusional people, so they cannot have created me and therefor they cannot want anything

You think I was offering you a blow job because that’s not what I said.

You didn’t offer up a name either. “They” is an appropriate reference when replying about an unknown entity that has been identified by neither he or she.

It doesn’t seem to bother you either.

Really? Only an individual can do they? With what? Typed words?

That isn’t what I asked you. Why can’t you just answer the question.

That wasn’t the question. If it’s to hard for you to answer, just say you don’t know. There’s no shame in not knowing or is there?

You brought it up. Now it makes even less sense than it did before.

You see yourself as low but you care about yourself. Sounds like your mind contradicts your heart.

I told you. I’m not going to sit idle and watch any man be mean to a woman. In my world, people just don’t act like this. We have real conversations about real events happening in real time Al k er the world. We talk about God and how these things coincide with His Word. We don’t have that here because no one here believes in God. So the only discourse about Him centers around His existence, which we are beyond. His existence is no longer a debate.

I don’t know. Does he and if so, what is that to me? I am who I am.

Ironically, you men showed me the way.

You’re delusional.

Want anything? What is it you think God wants from you?

Slavish bootlicking failing which he will torture you for all eternity, the petulant psychopath.

PS: I only read the last sentence of that entire exchange so I assume I am typing things entirely out of context, a fact which doesn’t trouble me any.

no i do not think that

why would i offer up a name when you were the one referring to “they” ?
if you dont want to say who they are you can just say so?

it does but i dont let it bother me in the way you let it

yes really… of course not with words or sounds but they can degrade and hurt themselves with their own mind

i answered the question in my own way, its not my fault you dont want to read my answer as “no (with an explanation why i think so)”

it is my answer to your question
there indeed is no shame in not knowing so i could say i dont know, but i did know since it wasnt a very difficult question, so instead of saying i dont know i gave you my answer instead

uhm no you brought it up initially when you said “you all share cam videos when you mock people?”

lol i dont see myself as “low”, why do you think that?
a heart is an organ that pumps oxygen and blood around, it cannot contradict anything

isnt bbad part of your world or do you think your god wont mind if you are mean to a man?

lol@real conversations and then you talk about your god which isnt real to me
there are several people at bbad that believe in a god

correct, there is no debate: your god only exists in your mind

you are who you are but according to you you act differently here then irl
interesting though… did you just state that you dont care if your god sees you act like a heckler on here and you defy him or were you (once again avoiding the question and) referring to reg?

thats a very weird generalisation unless you (incorrectly) believe all men here at bbad think you are a psycho and call you names?

lol i guess you dont remember the question you asked :

That is a lie straight from Hell, Satan.

guess i was saved by satans distraction…

the things that happen at bbad :wink:

You thought something dirty because you told what that makes you think of now no woman can use the words “bow down” or “pay homage” lest it be taken out of context. You’re a word thief.

I don’t know who they are. You are the one who brought him, her or them up.

Really? How does one do that? Does one just rise up and say, I’m going to degrade my own self today, because I love who I am and I deserve the worst possible outcome in every situation?

Im fine reading your answer as no if you would say no but you didn’t do that. You circled the answer with time never existed in the first place, which only applies to God, Whom you don’t believe in.

I never mentioned anything about a cam dingdong. Check yourself.

You know that’s not what I mean but thanks for the lesson.

My mistake.

Really? Can you name one? Because I don’t know of even one person here that has ever admitted they believe in God. That God exists or Yeshua is Lord. No one. None. Post an article about a Peruvian idol and everyone participates in worship of the abomination.

That’s right.

I do care what God thinks. If people herecared about what God thinks that would manifest itself and everyone would know that more than one person is a believer. Doesn’t matter. All our faith is about to be tested.

Guess you’re going to Hell after all.

makes me glad i don’t live in a college dorm any longer


uhm no, not at all… people should use whatever words they want
i just expressed how i feel about people bowing down to others and gave the only example i could think of where that would be appropriate

(then again i dont consider oral sex to be “dirty” either as long as both are clean)

uhm nope you did initially, thats why i asked… otherwise i wouldnt ask

i think its more a subconscious thing that people do, but yes like that

yes i did :wink:

no it doesnt and yes i believe that you believe in your god

uhm yes you did but ok lets check again:

you are welcome

not so much a mistake as just something else you forgot


i dont think so and i still wonder what you (and your god) really think about that

i care about what you (and your god) thinks and i already know there are several people here that believe in their god

should be fun! when and how will this take place?

thats your choice and it will only come true inside your head

This is an interesting case. A guy is arguing with his woman and the police get called. The couple says there was no physical conflict and do not ask for police intervention. As the police check the man for outstanding warrants, he announces he’s going to jump over the pier and swim. The police tell him not to and that it’s not permitted. The guy jumps anyway and swims toward a bridge and then starts yelling that he’s drowning and needs to be saved. The cops refuse to jump in after him. The guy drowns and dies.

I am 100% on the side of the cops. This imbecile took his chances doing something incredibly stupid, and I see no reason at all why the cops should risk their own lives to save this fool. They called a boat but refused to jump in after him which is exactly what I would have done.

The cops said it was illegal to jump in. They have to follow the law.

Here’s the actual video. He starts swimming at the 10 min mark. There is no way in Hell I’d jump in after that guy.

Was kind of a no win. I wouldn’t have tazed him ahead of time.

I’m glad they didn’t shoot him. I wonder if he was on something. Awful way to die.

So what you’re saying is that if a person does something stupid in life, they don’t deserve to live, which means you don’t think anyone should show mercy for another person because, in fact, everyone does stupid things in life. This would be in line with the thought process of a person living in the last days when love waxes cold.

I find that incredibly difficult to believe.

I didn’t say that at all. I said I wouldn’t have jumped in after this guy.

Would you have tazed him ahead of time Reg?

Yes, I know you didn’t say that. I said that. If you are saying you wouldn’t jump in after him, are you saying his life isn’t worth saving?