No, they made no errors. It’s just taste. Your taste is as valid as mine and mine is as valid as theirs. We each like what we like. I like choir versions of Jesu the Joy of Man’s Desiring. You don’t. It’s all just personal taste.
I agree.
Such an idiotic statement belongs in the bizarre. What kind of dingaling finds it destructive that so many people viewed a video? How many times have you shared it, Dingdong?
This seems like a lot of work for the beat but I know you will gravitate towards it like a second nature.
It is interesting to play that on the Zither, but it doesn’t work for me. This piece was composed for Cello and the Zither just doesn’t have the same range, fluidity or sound. It sounds hollow and lifeless to me on Zither, whereas it’s magic on Cello.
I agree. I was just astound that it‘s nevertheless possible to play that fast piece on a Zither.
I had a very close bond with my next older sibling, my 3 year older brother. I read his Lassiter Western magazines (which he hated and forbid me to read - probably because of the described sex scenes in it and not because he wanted the pages not to be crumpled, lol - but I nevertheless always sneaked in for it, lol. And we often listened together to music cassettes he bought. When we were alone at home, we put the music on high volume, for that we could hear it throughout the whole house. I only remember two of them, one was some Greek singer, which name I don’t bother to look up to write down here correctly, and the other one was film music from Western movies, for example by Ennio Morricone. I still think he wrote the best Western film music.
That shot, lol. Bad sound, but it was a nice gag.
No, Reg, that’s the clicking sound your brain is making. Listen for the vibe.
Not my favourite film music, actually it‘s quite the opposite, lol. I hate that music. Sooooo simple, but sooooo effective. Only that cello, tuba, oboe or whatever they use for those two notes, would do it already for me, lol. Those two notes and I am off like detecting a snake, lol. I am pleased to not hear it. That good is it. Incredible what two notes are able to trigger.
I never would have guessed the theme from Jaws.
ah john williams another great composer
lol jaws is indeed instantly recognisable
Lol, I didn‘t know Morricone wrote the film music for Mario Girottis (Terence Hill) „My Name is Nobody“. That movie is nonsense but as a Girotti fan since he played his probably first movie role in „Winnetou“, I of course watched his Nobody series too and such knew the melody. I just listened to your Greatest Hits video from yesterday while preparing breakfast and suddenly this came up at 26:30, lol. What a much needed contrast after Jaw, lol. It made me laugh as soon as I heard the first instrument (which I have absolutely no clue what it is) and the flute.
lol yes! ah the childhood memories of those silly bud spencer and terence hill movies lol
Yes. So silly. And yet everyone of my generation watched and likes those two funny Italians (well, Girotti is half German ;))
I wonder if he moved back to Italy for good or if he still lives in the US with his wife. How can you live in the US if you have the money to be able to live well in the most beautiful country on earth. But I bet he lives on a Ranch in the US. Can‘t imagine him to live in a city. He is a country boy at heart.
yup very predictable, silly and yet still classic fun… like laurel and hardy
Indeed. But Laurel and Hardy were a tad more subtle, lol.